Mon 27 Jan
~ Sexy ~ Hot ~ Spanish~ Come See Me Tonight! ~ - 25
(Columbia, Columbia West Columbia Airport Downtown)
SeXy💋 CuRvEy & THICK👅 Incall SPECiaL💵 ReAdy2play W/ YOU😄😄 HoW dEeP😋 can you Go💦 💦✨✨AvAiL NOw - 23
(Columbia, Not available til next)
~*Sexy,fun & waiting 4 u*~full body mass.& rub downs available**call now**OUTCALLS ONLY**! - 25
(Charleston, Charleston & surrounding areas)
Recent video And Pics👏👌😍😘 Tight And juicy ... Exotic Playmate😍👏👌 - 20
(Broad River -incalls, Columbia)
SEXY bruentte bombshell!!💦💋🌹INCALL specials 💋💦OUTCALLS also AVAILABLE 💋💋🍒40q.v..80hh...140h - 25
(Columbia, bush river road)
@ **~* @ *~** S_E_X_X_X_Y **~* @ *~ ** UNFORGETTABLE ** ~* @ *~** PLAYMATE **~* @ *~** @ - 23
NEW! BBW!!! BiGge$T BoOTy on BP!!! SeXy ThiCk & CuRvY REDBONE Po®N $T@® w/64 @ZZ!!! ~°*HONEYCAKES* - 38
(Columbia, Columbia South Carolina😍😍)
New Girl Alert !!! °o♥o° I'm A Girl With Alot of Great Trick's °o♥o° - 21
(Columbia, ❤ BROADRIVERI-20❤)
New Mouh of the SSouh Sweet GoDDESS SuPER NaSTY!!PRettY GiRL,SLiPPERY, NO RuSH♡♤-22 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia SC)
NEW !! BIG B O O TY F R E A K **** EBony BLONDe_-- _--- 52" BOOTY * **** BIG B O O TY F R E A K **** - 27
% % % % MMMmmMMm % % % % DoUbLE DoSE OF ChOcoLaTE % %% %$pEciALZ%%% - 21
M I S S . F L U F F Y . J U G G S . NEW NOW ! H U G E . B O O B S 8033719695 - 24
Looking For A Girlfriend? **Highly Reviewed. WEBSITE With Pics. Professional and Discreet. - 33
(Columbia, west columbia)
♪♬♪♬ ツツ Lets Make Music ツツ ♬♪♬♪ New Pics !! Specials All Night !!! - 28
(Columbia, Upscale off I -26.)
late nite 35 booble 40 rose specials with curvy *Stallion* 120 rose other door special - 19
(Columbia, bush river)
leaving EXCLUSIVE VIXXEN HONEY No Hands Unforgetable & Exotic - 22
(Columbia, NOTCH surrounding area)
💜🍰JeSsiCa QueeN oF🍓 PleAsurE ♣ Upscale beauty♡ 70$🍉OUTCALLS Think yOu Can HanDle thE QuEen♕♛♕ - 23
Incall specials, Lady Layla and Lola one or two girl , your choice fetishes also welcome - 23
(Columbia, columbia/ My place)
INCALLS ONLY💯😘✋West columbia😋Kiesha 🍫 CandyGirl🍬🍭 30QV special !! 👅👍💦 (803-828-1863 - 21
(Columbia, West Columbia)
Hi im strawberry .ready for fun. ** $50, $80, $120 ** {NO PIMPS PLEASE} - 20
(Columbia, Broad River)
FUN Fabulous flirtatious Fantastic call today!! - 43
(Columbia, M come sneak away with me st. Andrews)
Hi im Bella & im doing incalls specials today like hh65$!.hrs110$ com get sum w$t u won'(803)4794273 - 23
(Columbia, st.andrews)
erotic beautiful ladies with a 2 girl special that will make u click no further - 20
(Columbia, columbia sc broad river)
Fallen Angel!! Come See and take a ride with me!!! (Serious Inquries Only!!!) - 23
(Columbia, SC(In/Out calls))
**CoMe ViSiT BoStOn'S FiNeSt* ~ $100/$200 specials~ 7/7/4 5/2/1 9/4/1/8 - 28
(Columbia, Lexington/West Columbia/Cayce IN & OUT)
[[ bRaNd _NeW ]] -- *tReaT* -- [[To COLUMBIA ]] -- [[ SuPeR »HoT]] *& [[ ReaDytOpLay ]] _75$«« - 23
(Columbia, ~*$75 HoT SpecialS~*Orangeburg)
40 Special))))*** 40 Specials))) )))* ***)) The Be$t M()uth In The South** 40 Special 803-363-9227 - 22
(Columbia, columbia, The BE$T M()UTH IN THE SOUTH)
We dont offer "jobs", we offer a Upbeat Life Experience. Reserved for the Open Minded - 99
(Columbia, nationwide)
SWEETHEARTS *** Work Locally or Tour*** Our Promises Come TRUE!!*** Established, Reputable, Honest!
(Work Locally or Tour the U.S.)