Fri 03 Jan
ReAd Ad 🤓 40qv 70hh #1️⃣SnOwBuNnY 👯 NaTuRaL ReDhEaD📷 ReAl PiX 💦JuIcY🙀 BiG bOoTy🍑 CoMpLeTe KnOcK OuT👊🏻 - 30
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 104)
***** New ***** sexy ***** sweet ***** Molly **** 803- 317-0641 ****** - 27
(Columbia, Lexington/ Columbia)
Orangeburg👋💰 Dream Ask about my SPECIALZ.. here for a limited time!!!👅💦😘😍💦904-404-2871 - 21
(Columbia, Orangeburg)
Treat Yourself @ M Spa 💋 With GINA, JESSICA, & NAOMI😚 Total Satisfaction! Till 10pm! - 25
💕☞1ST 10 PPL $40 📢📢📢 spankable ass🔥 nice booty🔥 magical lips💕Mmmmmm👅 💯 TiGhT grip 🍆 🍌 - 19
(Columbia, off st.andrews)
Thu 02 Jan
45 rose specials !WHITE GENTLEMEN ONLY! with a petite sexi mama 150 3ring special - 19
(Columbia, off st andrews)
🚦⚠️🚥🚦 SeCrET FaNtasy 🚥⚠️🚦🚥 100% Me! 🚦🚥⚠️ NuRu ⚠️🚦🚥 PrOsTaTe 🚥🚦SLiP ⚠️VIP QuEeN 🚦🚥⚠️TS - 21
(Columbia, Saint Andrews Rd)