Tue 21 Jan
((♥♥Hi Early Birds. Stop By.This Valentine's WeekEnd..Splz 40,80,,all morning♥♥)) - 99
(Columbia, two notch rd.In/calls)
Hot n Ready Sexy Exotic Beauty Here For A limited Time Only Come See what everyone is talking About - 26
(Columbia, Columbia downtown in and Out)
Hello I am Monroe and you are very welcome... ..803 363 4045 (leaving very soon) - 23
(Columbia, bush river)
I aM _THE :: _U_L_T _I_M_A_T _E :: (((__ EROTIC __))) :: _E_X_P _E_R_I_E _N_C_E :: aSiaN tReaT - 22
❤💕FLAWLESS!🌺💕🌹SUPER SeXy CHocOlaTe EbOnY 🌺💕❤Mz. LyRiC..2girl Special ((140Hhr))🌹🌻🌺 - 21
(2 notch girl, Columbia)
👌👉HOT Sexy Burnett ready to make your fantasy come true in all the right ways (:👌👈
(Columbia, piney grove rd)
😘 DuTcHEs👅👑🌷💦☔ Body full of tattoos💧Dimples and piercings👯) time to play💓💕 BlaCk InK💉☔ - 23
(Columbia, St Andrews... in columbia sc)
Early Bird Special Pleasure Unlike Any Others - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
* Good Like * Come relax with me G---e---n---t---l---e T---o---u---c---h - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch:)
$$$ Don't Miss Out Columbia outcalls...Miss. Molly $$$ 50 rose special - 30
(Columbia, Columbia Outcalls)
Help Me Celebrate My Very Special Day with You Specials All Day And Night - 27
(Columbia, Bush River)
gorgeous brunette & exotic red head NauGhTy NeVeR LoOkEd This NiCe!!! Call us ready to play with you - 24
(Columbia, columbia incall and outcall)
♥♡♥ Gorgeous Blazin Asian Special Delivery 2 You! OUTCALLS ONLY! ♥♡♥ - 22
(Columbia, Your Place/Outcall ONLY)
♡♥♡☆★→Come see this sexy red head with a big booty come spank me I been bad!!♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆♣☆♣♧♣¤¤¤¤ - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
ebony bubble butt stallion (new in town just for you) nicest azz on backpage. - 20
(Columbia, incalls two notch/ outcalls everywhere)
~*~*~Come Take a Dip!!! @*@*@ I Welcome You to Candy Land!!! $50 Specials~*~*~ - 24
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd)
Come Have The Best Time Of Your Life With 2 Sexxy Upscale Exotic Ebony Companions!! - 25
(Columbia, Northeast(Incalls Only))
Back in Columbia Tuesday Book Now‼️ 100% Really ME 60QV AVAILABLE NoW 💦FrEaKy UpScALE ❤️ Skylar Banks In town for FeW DaYs💦i - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove)
Brunette goddess like babydoll ready to treat you like royalty! Come play Splzs! - 25
(Columbia, incalls only two notch rd)
♡ Brand NEW Sexy & Petite Snow Bunny 27♡ Eager to Please ♡ AVAILABLE NOW In-Calls and Out-Calls - 27
(Columbia, Columbia Private In-Calls & Out-Calls)
★ Âb§OLutLy *¨ ★ ¨* ÂmÂzInG *¨ ★ ¨* 5*§tÂr *¨ ★ ¨* pLÂyMÂt ★ - 22
-:¦: CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* YOUR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•*¨¨*• U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 38
ATTENTION ... NEW ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ☆ cLaSsY 'N SeXy ☆▄▀▄▀ ▄ *UnFoRgEtTaBlE TIME* ▀▄▀ ☆ BuStY BeAuTy☆ ▄▀▄▀ ▄▀▄ - 35
(Columbia, OUTCALLS ONLY... 10p.m.)
Brand new to backpage and the northeast area its nina gentleman. - 24
(Columbia, northeast area near the summit)
8034038450 ♦️HiS AnAConDa DONT WaNt NONE UnLess U GoT BuNs HUN!♦️ - 69
(Columbia, Ms.Becky LN. Off Interstate 26)
☆☆☆☆ 60QV/80HH/150HR ☆☆ ☆Mistress of Seduction☆☆☆☆ Luscious - 26
(Columbia, Columbia/GARNER FERRY/I-77)
Best u ever had trust n u will be calling me back sexy redbone safe incall $100special - 19
Are you ready for the wildest time of your life with a young little hottie!? - 25
(Columbia, NE Columbia)
:*: AbOvE _ & _ BeYoNd _ ThE _ rEsT :*: Im _ yOuR _ GiRL :*: CALL EVON!! - 22
🌷50qv SPECIALS 🌷Ebony BOMBSHELL 🐚 (803) 728-3994 INCALLS ONLY - 20
(Columbia, Farrow rd INCALLS only.)
*30 bobble* 45 2 play »- C*E *R *T *I *F *I °E*D »- F*R *E *A *K* »*»*30 bobble *45 - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
💋$40 $pecial$ LaTe NiGhT DeAl💞 ALL NiGhT sPecIaLs (((Dont miss out))) - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove i26)
***LAS DAY - LATIN GIRL ***Sexy ***Seductive ***Curvy Body (Upscale - NO QV) Don't text, CALL me pls - 27
(Columbia, Columbia - 77 - Exit 9B)
Sun 12 Jan
☆°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 50 $PECIAL$?! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, 1)
Big Booty Judy....... (((((786()599()6290))))) $50 - 24
(100% real no fake pic's on Brittany Ad, Columbia)
$40 ✨$50hh✨ $100hr✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ BIG BOOTY ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ ULTiMATE COLLGE Freckled Faced ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ FrEaKy REDhEAd - 21
(Columbia, ❤❤Incall❤❤ i26 ❤❤ Piney Grove ❤❤)
Sat 11 Jan
❤ SMOKING •——• ❤ •——• HOT •——• ❤ •——• CUBAN •——• ❤ •——• SWEETIE ❤ Reviewd #241541 - 21
(Columbia, Bush river , Broad River)
🍒😍Ready To B💥L💥O💥W Your Mind ⭐️️Upscale ⭐️ ThiCk, Red & SeXy😍🍭😜 Don't Miss Out 💛😍 24/7⌚ - 25
(Columbia, Two Notch (Incalls Only))
ASHLEIGH!!! I'm back. Northeast area new pics. It's my birthday lets play!!! - 34
(Columbia, Northeast area near two notch)
Bl@cK ChYn@ early splzz 💕$exy exotic beauty...$50qv $90hh $150hr Back @g@iN - 19
(Columbia, Outcallz 💦🌹🍫💯)
$30 NfL Special ▅▆ YoUr ♥ GiRl ♥ █▆▅▃ ♥ Is HeRe ♥ WhEn ♥ █▆▅▃ ♥YoU ToUcHdOwN BABY!! ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 26
(Columbia, Columbia/Piney Grove Rd.)
Fri 10 Jan
50 roses for visit::Skilled and Professional At What I Do! CALL MISS JUICEE in an out calls - 19
(Columbia, temporarily two notch)
{$50/80. $120/180}VISITING: UHummMmmmmm... . {SInFulLy AllLlll YoUrs} COME GeT A TaStE! - 24
(Columbia, Off Interstate 20 & 77. Two Notch Rd)
Thu 09 Jan