Tue 21 Jan
! ! ! Available NOW! UP 24/7 == 100% Real, Independent & Unrushed ! ! ! ! - 24
Back in Town Today So Don't Miss Me This Time. - 23
(Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, in/out, Myrtle Beach)
Brunette Secretary & Teacher For Role Playing & NURU - SAT-SUN Little River/NORTH MYRTLE B. - 35
(Myrtle Beach, LITTLE RIVER-Sept. 6th thru 8th)
Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
*** Be AuTiFuL GFE ((YoUnG)) GFE PLaYm aTe - 23
(Broad River... in/out)
B - Ee- Y - o - N - d ((- - - - - Y - O - U - R ((- - - - - - i - M - a - G - i-N-a - T - i - O - n - 19
♡♡♡ Beautiful Sexi Hot Delicious Tasty Yummy...call me what u like baby! New # - 25
(Columbia, columbia 80 special out)
Ana Nycole HERE 4 U Visiting 4 a SHORT TIME only $40 half hr / $60 FULL HR~ - 22
☆ •: ((( •♥• & ReadY & OpeN-MindeD __ COME plaY with Me•♥• ))) - 23
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Hilton Head, In/Out, Myrtle Beach)
Awesome things can happen with an Amazing. GAL !! Great. COMPANIONSHIP ,, - 43
(Columbia, M come sneak away with me st. Andrews)
Amy Taylor - 35
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, worldwide by appointment)
$50 --------- Special ----------- Tiffany Banks ---------- $50 ---------- Special - 24
(Columbia, I 26)
█ █ █ ► A+ Reviewed Playmate Erika Haze Is In Town Now! (200/FullHour Tuesday Only!) ◄ █ █ █ - 25
(Columbia, Irmo / Harbison Area)
Are ready for something different and memorable?
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
💲40Qv Beautiful Thick Big Booty Mia Is Back!! Closing @ 9pm Gentlemen Only💋 - 20
40 Special****** B*E*$*T M*()*U*T*H I*N T*H*E S*O*U*T*H****** or 363-9227 - 22
(Columbia, columbia, The BE$T M()UTH IN THE SOUTH)
50 rose specials with the one n only paradise something u have to try white guys - 20
(Columbia, St.Andrew)
!40 stop&go; wit SWEET BAYEE all nite long... CALL NOW ONLY IN TOWN FOR TODAY!!! - 19
(Columbia, off i26)
Victoria Style, Lexie & Rainy @ Southern Belle's Spa 💋 Complimentary Tableshowers - 19
(1405-B Rushmore Rd Cola SC, Charleston, Columbia)
💖1st 8 calls$35 $60 $130hr💖 ✨ReDhEaDs `dO💖iT BeTtEr💞ThIs 1 DoEs iT BeSt 💖FaVoRiTe BiGBOoTy FrEaK💞 - 24
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘 Piney Grove Rd 😜)
Victoria's Massage Therapy. Receive $20. Off On One Hour Massage From Our New White Beauty!!! - 25
(Columbia, Columbia,sc)
The best fun Columbia has to offer! Come see for yourself! - 30
(Columbia, Columbia two natch and beltline)
100% Real & Independent!! Sexy Dominican Barbie Look No Futher Incalls/outcalls - 21
(Columbia, Outcalls Incalls bush river)
*40/30min.60/hr special* Spine-tingling * hot Bodyrub -! limited time with wond€rful €πding - 29
(Columbia, northeast (I-77 & 20))
Body Rubs from the best! Say Yes and Call Now!! Specials available 🙌803-477-4617 - 26
(Columbia, Lexington)
NEW Lingerie Magazine looking for Beginner Models - 34
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
—————————— ♈️♈️♈️ —————————— GORGEOUS NEW GIRLS ❤ NEW MANAGEMENT - NEW LINE UP —————————— ♈️♈️♈️ ———————— - 23
(Columbia, ▬▬ Lexington / 803.358.0666▬▬)
***LuCiiOuS LiPs & DeLiiCiiOus HiPs }: BusTy chocolate BoOtYlicIous *** - 25
(Columbia, columbia in-out-call)
the most beautiful woman precious. here to take care of all ur needs - 25
(Columbia, in between decker n two notch hunt club)
×°x°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°x°× Ms. Sweet Amy ----> Available NoW!! - 30
(Columbia, Columbia & Surrounding Areas--SPECIALS!!)
► = J_U_S_T= ____ =W_ H _ A_T= ____ =Y_O_U= ____ =C_R_A_V_E = ◄ - 20
*** The Best Sweet Tea in The South *** $60$ Southern Classic *** - 22
(Columbia, hiway 26 west columbia)
Amazing Skills -((KINKY))-Big Booty- ((Ebony Hottie)) $50 specials - 22
(Columbia, GARNERS FERRY RD (( incalls only)))
Black Diamond... Ready to Satisfy All Your WANTS & DESIRES *$80 SPECIALS* - 22
(Columbia, BushRiver)
I'm - ☆ ★.*¨¨* UP ~ ALL ~ NIGHT ★.*¨¨* - ☆ SPECIAL ALL NIGHT - 29
(Columbia, bush river private location)