Tue 21 Jan
**DoNt TrY the ReSt... Go RiGhT tO the BeSt!! Come WATCH WHAT I CAN DO??? *** Outcall*** - 35
(Columbia, URS)
EROGENOUS BODY KISS TANTRIC MASSAGE By Gorgeous Nubian Goddess ❤💋❤ Experience My Terrific Technique - 26
(Columbia, Off Assembly St❤Intimate At Home Studio)
🌄🌄★🌄★🌄🌄💟💟💟💟💟💟 BEST !! BEST !! New staff from today 💟💟💟💟💟💟🌄🌄★🌄★🌄🌄E - 28
(2308 E airport BLVD west Columbia, Columbia)
Escape With Gorgeous Nubian Goddess * I've Got Everything You Need * You Will Love Me & My Place - 26
SILK STOCKINGS BY AMBER is hiring....Simply the BEST Place To Work - 21
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Sun 12 Jan
$$$ Lipz & Hipz $$$ Da Best @ It $$$ %% Pink Diamond ~ $€X¥ Thick Red Bone _ Available Now - 25
☆°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 50 $PECIAL$?! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch)
Let this curvy blonde show you why her 💋 mouth 💋 is highly addictive! Sweet like 🍭 🍰 candy!🍦 🍬 - 25
(Columbia, West Columbia, SC (Incalls/Out calls))
~~ BlUe EyEd NaTUral BlOnDe AnD * FeTIShE FrIENdLy * - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL ON DEVINE)
Bomshell Petite Hottie Tiffany Got That Body Of A Goddess Nice Apple Bottom Booty ;) - 22
(Columbia, airport blvd incalls)
Beautiful Chocolate Bombshell! Get a taste of heaven! 100$$$ ;) Incall ONLY - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, 1)
Chocolate Petite, Caramel Sweet, & a Big Booty Freak. You can have 1,2 & or 3.($$50spls$$) - 22
(Columbia, two Notch)
Classy, SeXy, Well Reviewed Hottie ((((((*Sweet Amy*)))))) AM SPECIALS!! - 29
(Columbia & surrounding areas)
😇⭐️😇⭐️😵Blonde Addiction! A Must See! Don't Miss out! I Come To You!!!😵⭐️😇⭐️😇 - 30
(Columbia, Your Place Only)
(¯`'•.★¸.•*¨*•. [♥] BUSTY — CALIFORNIA —BLONDE— IN OBURG 1 DAY ONLY [♥] .•*¨*•.☆¸.•'´¯) $100 INCALL! - 27
(Columbia, ☆Orangeburg Incall Only☆)
❤💕Ask About Specials! Beautiful, Talented, Open-Minded, Real!️️️️💕Drama Free! Available Now! - 27
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (In/Outcalls))
$40 ✨$50hh✨ $100hr✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ BIG BOOTY ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ ULTiMATE COLLGE Freckled Faced ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ FrEaKy REDhEAd - 21
(Columbia, ❤❤Incall❤❤ i26 ❤❤ Piney Grove ❤❤)
Beautiful Petite Brunette! **Available now** You'll definitely want to come back! ;-) - 26
blake the blonde BombsHell in town tonite only military discounts offered - 25
(COLUMBIA/Sur. areas)
😇⭐️😇⭐️😵Blonde Addiction! A Must See! Don't Miss out! I Come To You!!!😵⭐️😇⭐️😇 - 30
(Columbia, Your Place Only)
CaN We PlAy ToNiGhT :) $35,$40,$60,$100 ReDbOnE - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc ( two notch rd in&out;))
** AmBeR ** ** BeAuTiFuL** ** AdDiCtIvE ** ** AmAzInG ** - 21
(Columbia, columbia, camden,irmo,sumter n all areas)
$65special!!! New Mz. Peachez!!!!803 602 8401 - 25
(Columbia, rosewood beltline garners ferry rd local)
Amazing Skills -((KINKY))-Big Booty- ((Ebony Hottie)) $50 specials - 22
(Columbia, GARNERS FERRY RD (( incalls only)))
$35qv $60hhr $80hr..Ex@C†L¥ WH† U N€€D ☆★ •NÂUGH†¥ S€DUC†iV€ †R€A† ☆•★ 24/7 SP€C!ALS★•☆ - 24
(Columbia, incall hardscrabble rd)
40/50 QV SP. THIS AM!❤️💕Open-Minded Beautiful Blonde💋🍭You Can Be🕹Yourself Around!☎️(803)243-1022 - 27
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (In/Outcalls))
ArE YoU lOOkInG FoR aN UnFoRgEtTaBlE eXpErIeNcE? lOOk nO FuRtHeR... Im 1OO% ReAl, Im VeRy PrEtTy, dO - 23
(Columbia, two notch)
°•°$40 kwik.$50 half★★BEST RATE ♥♡♥FREAKY ♥♡♥ READY 4 FUN♡♥ ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▇▆▅▄▃▂ - 30
(Columbia, northeast area (1-77/I-20) two knotch)
🌹50 QQV🌹IN CALLS🚗💨All Races Welcome ✅Catering to Gentlmemen💁Call me now☎ - 19
(Columbia, Rosewood, Ft. Jackson Blvd Gferry)
😍👍💜 ------ ♡♥•°• ♥♡°•. THE PERFECT TREAT ♥ NEW ADDICTION ♥ NO RUSH •° ♡♥•°• ♥♡. ------ ------ - 26
(Columbia, Columbia, ♥ West Columbia ♥ Airport♥I-26)
💎💎💎💎 💕Do you need AD Posting 💕🍬 👠💋💄Do you need Professional Pictures 💎💎💎💎 💕🍬👠💋💄 - 99
(At Your Location, the surrounding area, Columbia)