Sun 05 Jan
🌟NEW TO BACKPAGE🌟Apryl🎀Petite and tall caramel doll with a pretty face🎀💎💕PROVIDING OUTCALLS ONLY!! - 22
NewNew♥♥40, 60 & 100hh 2Grl Caution Very Addictive Specials Specials Special all day& Night ♥♥ - 18
(Columbia, Saint Andrews)
❤️💜Playmate Alert🌹Sexy MONA, Here to take You on a Wild Ride Call Me Now🌼🌺- 21 - 21
(Bush River Upscale Location, Columbia)
OutCaLLs OnLy!!!! 👸🏼BLonDe 👄BuSty 💥 BoMbSheLL💕 1000% ReAL oR FrEE😜 - 22
(Charlotte and surrounding areas, Columbia)
HOT HOT California REDHEAD ....... Great Service, Excelent rates, Wonderful Attitude, & All Natural - 24
(Greenville, Greenville near Haywood mall)
💕🍭I'vE 🅱eEn a VeRy 🅱aD Gi®l 💦💜I NeeD a SpAnKiNg👏 ➟I WiLl BL💨W💥 Ur MiNd ➟ NO BLACK MEN💕 - 19
(Columbia, InCalls Only::Columbia)
Hi guys looking for fun with a beautiful woman call me now my name is sammie(803)814-8825 - 35
(Bush river, Columbia)
☆◆♡Juicy fun girl Imoni here♥☆ special 50♥♡ kisses - 26
Im Always Available for Out Calls And I PIck Up When You Call 24/7 💋 - 23
(Columbia, Greystone/ Piney Grove/ Harbison)
It's me I'm back with tha best top in tha world call me very skilled n love what I do - 21
Elite VIP Leigha Summer-The BEST of the best. Highly Reviewed & Waiting for YOU. XoXo Incall/Outcall - 36
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach by Broadway)
DeLiCiOuS BiG BooTy_ ▓ ►Real pics me or its free ▓ ► TiGhT & SWeeT ★ BiG (◎人◎) Jamaican MiX - 21
(Columbia, two notch incall only (real pics))
Get over here now Massive after hours Swingers Party.The most fun you can find in South Carolina - 29
*$* Extra, extra... Read all*About it!! Laidback Lanna.... come chk me out*$* - 33
(Columbia, Airport Blvd..Cayce)
Can This Package Of A Dollfaced, Super Busty B(.)(.)BS W/ Pierced Nipple & Shapely Body Come Over ?? - 26
(Columbia, Steamy Outcalls All Over Columbia)
🎄🎁Come Unwrap your CHRISTMAS PRESENT Early🎁🎄 - 36
CuTe FaCe Lil WaIst BiGgEsT BuBbLe Bu TT ArOunD █ ► SKILLS LIKE A ★ - 21
(Columbia // Bush River Area)
!!!!! CHoCoLATe ADDiCTioN !!! THe HoTTeST LiL FReaK !! !! 24/7 AVAILABILITY !! - 20
♫♫ Grand Opening!! - Asian Massage - Table Shower ♫♫ - 23
(Columbia, 1405 Rushmore Rd Suite C - Columbia, SC)
Therapeutic Touch Practioner ❤️Outcall Only❤️ - Blonde Model👠 Saturday special 👠 - 18
(Columbia, Columbia & Surrounding)
(¯`v´¯)-» B_E_A_U_T_i _F_U_L (¯`v´¯) BLONDE (¯`v´¯) C_O_M_P_A_ N_i_O_N - 30
(Charleston, Charleston and surrounding areas)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, City Location)
MUTUAL TOUCH BODY TO BODY SYNERGY MASSAGE By Gorgeous Nubian Goddess ~Be A Giver & Receiver Of Bliss - 26
(Columbia, Downtown Area----Private At Home Setting)
Feel The Enrapturing Sensual Ecstacy Of Gorgeous Nubian Goddess * Come Rest & Relax @ My Place - 26
(Columbia, 9a-9p Daily-----Downtown Off Assembly St)
💋💋💋💋Im TRULY the BEST!💋 Extremely DIFFERENT from all the rest!!💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 26
(Columbia, Your Place)
🚒▉▉▉▉▉🚒🚒🚒🚒▉▉▉▉▉🚒🚒【 ★HOT-ASIAN MASSAGE★ 】【 HEALING and RELAXATION 】【 ★NEW GIRLS★ 】 🚒🚒▉▉▉▉▉🚒🚒🚒🚒▉▉▉▉▉🚒 - 23
(Columbia, ▬🌉🌉▬ Lexington / 803-359-6872▬🌉🌉▬)
Put SoMe CHO🍫COLATE In UR LIF€🤗 RAVEN @ €V€'S HaV€N.....L€T M€ TaK€ AdVaNtAG€ Of Y😜ur BODY!!!! - 99
(3827 BROAD RIVER RD. {SUITE J}, Columbia)