Sat 04 Jan
****Fun ****Sexy ***** Petite Beauty **** Georgia Peach IN LEXINGTON - 30
(Columbia, Incall Outcall Lexington)
❤ 2 COLLEGE GIRLS ❤ Petite❤ Ebony❤ Barbies SPEACIALS ALL NIGHT!!!!!!! - - 20
Fri 03 Jan
Ms Cherry is ready for some fun 60 or 80 special don't miss out - 24
(Columbia, ext 111B west Columbia)
$80 ERoTiC (~*♥*~) RuBs °*° K-N-O-C-K °*° O-U-T °*° H-O-T-T- I-E °*° (~*♥*~) ADuLt Ent. - 25
(Columbia, {{{$80 SpeCiaLs}}} Columbia)
----NEW----- Top--- Of-----The ----Line------ Its--- ME--- OR--- Its FREE---------- - 23
(Columbia, Airport Blvd. West Columbia)
💋SuGaR💜⏳AvAiLaBle ⏰NoW ✔👌 👑SeXy*/SWeEt 🍦FuN*/ GiRl💦SmoKinG*/HoT🔥CaLl 📲 *SuGaR↩iM💎 MoBiLe🚘 - 25
(Columbia, iNCALLS)
Early bird Lunch Specials $30 ....Start the day in ME!! **GUARANTEED TO MAKE UR TOES CURL - 30
(Columbia, I26 Bush River in & Outcalls)
T H E R e a l Ke n d r a W i l k e r s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . hard$ 2 reach!!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Outcall only)
Orangeburg% TRULY mE👌SpeCiALS!! 👍 SexY👅 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD😘H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd💋 INcALL SpeCIAL - 22
(Columbia, orangeburg 601)
💎🌺Danaka🌺💎 Need a stress relief, come get a dose of me💆Im so 💦 and ready to play daddy👯 - 25
(Columbia, Two notch)
🔥$40💨$40 💋$40 Louisiana Hotsauce - I bet you cant last 5 mins💦$40 👀$40 ❌ $40✋🔥 $40 - 22
(Columbia, Orangeburg SC)
Thu 02 Jan
° _S_u_P_e_R_ °o ° _H_o_T_ ° ★ ° _A_n_D_ °o ° _T_e_M_P_T_i_N_ G_ ° *65 sPeCiaL* - 21
(-(-(-(- ALL - AMERICAN *** BEAUTY *** Sweet Amy -)-)-)-) SPECIALS!!! IN or OUT!! - 29
(Columbia, Columbia-445-5473 SPECIALS!!!)
~ Sexy ~ Hot ~ Spanish~ Come See Me Tonight! ~ - 25 Posted: Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:12 PM Reply - 25
🏈🏆🏈🍻🏈Down Set Hike!! Hike!! Come get these $40 Superbowl Specials🏈🍻🏈🏆🏈 - 21
(Columbia, Orangeburg SC 301)
Columbia and Sumter Upscale, New in town, Multi talented, See for yourself 🏆 True Trophy Girl🎰 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia and Sumter Upscale Gentleman)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 26
(Columbia, Near the charlotte airport)