Fri 03 Jan
👑 GoddEss👀 Slim & Tender & all the right places! The Best of The Best - 28
(2 notch 2 girls, Columbia)
GreyStone Rd $60 New💋 Wonder Woman 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆believe it try me !! $60 - 23
(Columbia, In my Calvin Klein Bra & Panties😽)
$ * $ 50 (NFL) 50$ $^ 50 $ $pls L¡l $ex¥ R€d Bon€ iz Back n town 4 The WEEKEND 50$ * ¿ :) 50 $pls - 20
(Columbia, ((West Columbia)) AIRPORT BLVD)
Thu 02 Jan
*** PeTiTe SwEeT InDePeNdEnT eBoNy HoTtiE!___ WANT A SwEeT TOOTH? COME LiCk My CANDY!! - 23
♛♛☆Sensual & Sexy ♛♛ Sweet & Petite ♛♛ Anything But typical! ♛♛ Nicole 803.354.7445 ☆♛♛ - 24
🚦⚠️🚥🚦 SeCrET FaNtasy 🚥⚠️🚦🚥 100% Me! 🚦🚥⚠️ NuRu ⚠️🚦🚥 PrOsTaTe 🚥🚦SLiP ⚠️VIP QuEeN 🚦🚥⚠️TS - 21
(Columbia, Saint Andrews Rd)
��������▲ NEW ��������▲ STOP!! No Need to Go Any Further. I'm The One For You◆ NEW ▲�������� - 88
Stacie Cash Is Giving Gifts For The Holidays.. 404 423 3080 - 23
(two Notch, Broad River, GreyStone, Fort)
100% REAL ♥ 100% INDEPENDENT ♥ BuSty tHiCk & PhAtTBoOty - Available Now - 20
(Columbia, columbia/surrounding areas)
SL!M & F!NE 🍓🍉🍊 ...ToP of THe Line 👆⭐💦... ChoCoLate FunSized BarBie 🌹💋💕 - 20
(Columbia, Northeast Cola)
#####::::: ..NEW BeAutiFuL JuiCy bOOty MixXxtuRe ReAdY tO CaTeR tO yOu NEW.. :::::##### - 21
~~` GoT wHaT YoU NeeD (((TakE a *Peep* ))) yOu WiLL LiKe wHat YoU sEE - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL)
~!** First Time Visiting... Black and Beautiful!! ** You Will Luv Julie 100% Real PIcs - 19
(Broad River)
803-295-0328 make your fantasies come true! Ready now!specials for new faces-let's link up!! 💋 - 22
(Columbia, harbison)
$$&Welcome; To satisfaction world $$$$$ the best donations on the page - 22
(Columbia, Columbia two notch area)
Stop Searching👀👀Im Just What Youve Been Looking For 👍👍Specials Specials Specials 💵💵💫💫 - 23
(Columbia, St.Andrews)
☎~☎~☎ ✔ I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ✔ ☎~☎~☎$40 kwik visit spec - 28
(Columbia, NE(1-77/I-20)Iuxury apartment 2 notch rd)
Diamond... yes we do last forever!!! So come shine with me right now!!! - 24
(Columbia, broad river)
Come get Sum of this Sexy Caramel "Big Apple Booty" 24hr Booty!! #Ya Dreams Came True# - 26
(Atlantic City NJ)