Tue 21 Jan
♋Hot Pockets💋 come and explore , sweet pea is patiently waiting for you 8033694405 ♋ - 42
(Columbia, west columbia cayce)
Victoria's Massage Therapy!! Receive $20 Off On Hour Massage From Natalie!!!! - 25
(Columbia, Columbia,SC)
Who Said You Can't Be Sexy, Sensual, Erotic, Charming, ((And)) RESPECTFUL? - 39
(Columbia, No AA Men / ((OUTCALL)))
Feel The Enrapturing Sensual Ecstacy Of Gorgeous Nubian Goddess * Come Rest & Relax @ My Place - 26
(Columbia, 9a-9p Daily-----Downtown Off Assembly St)
VIcTOria's SpaAMaZing massage.. Bianca & Amya $20 Off till 2pm!!!! - 23
(Columbia, 3827 broad river rd suite m)
NEW👈👈👈🎼 Lap Dances💰 $10 per song! 🎶 🎵 Ebony Princesses🎶 🎵New !🎶 🎵 - 99
(Columbia, Percival rd near Ft.Jackson)
SENSUAL SOAPY BODY RUB ~ HANDBATH BODY WASH By Gorgeous Nubian Goddess ~ Accompany Me In The Shower - 26
(Columbia, Downtown Area----Private At Home Setting)
(¯`'.¸ ♡ ¸.'´¯) EXPERIENCE THE SENSUAL ART OF TANTRA (¯`'.¸ ♡ ¸.'´¯) 10:30am - 33
(Columbia, Columbia/ Greystone)
Relaxation. (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Tha Best BBW on BP (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. $45 spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
Come relax with us....... massage studio...... best body rubs - 28
(Columbia, West columbia 378 and I20)
❄Mesmerizing Masseuse ❄Petite & Pretty Provider ❄Cute & Classy Caregiver ❄OUTCALL CONCIERGE SERVICE - 26
Lady looking for Ladies Don't Let This Opportunity To Change YOUR Financial Status Pass You By - 99
(Charleston, Charlotte, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Myrtle Beach)
I have sugar in my tank.. best prostate massage in town - 29
(Columbia, Two notch..camden..lugoff..sumter)
American Spa " Tableshowers & Aromatherapy Beautiful staff 803-731-5154 Fran, Paige & Sasha - 21
(652-c Bush River Rd.Columbia,S.C29210, Columbia)
Hiring Beautiful Women!? 50 Women Selectively! Upscale & Discrete Agency! Reputable Reputation!
(Charleston, Columbia, Myrtle Beach, NATIONAL)
▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ —ENJOY BEST RELAXATION 803-798-1800 🔴 🔵 🔴 🔵 🔴 NEW ENERGY SPA 🔴🔴 - 25
(Columbia, Take I-20E Exit 65, turn right Broad St)
Erotic Relaxation With Gorgeous Petite BEAUTY.... TOTAL Relaxation is A Phone Call Away ----> - 21
(Columbia, Columbia/Off I-26)
H@NDS-ON EROGENOUS BODY KISS T@NTRIC M@SS@GE By Gorgeous Nubi@n Goddess 웃❤유 Feel My Ebony Essence - 26
(Columbia, Off Assembly St❤Intimate At Home Setting)
Sun 12 Jan
$$$ Lipz & Hipz $$$ Da Best @ It $$$ %% Pink Diamond ~ $€X¥ Thick Red Bone _ Available Now - 25
☆°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 50 $PECIAL$?! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch)
% % % % ChOcOlAtE BuNNy eNtErTaInMeNt PrEsEnTs % % % % - 20
(Columbia, broad river rd upscale hotel)
*CAll FOR Today Only*Gentlemen Only*Natural Sandy Blonde* - 21
(Columbia, Columbia, South Carolina..)
☆ [BluE EyeD]☆ [PriNcesS]☆ [40/ 80/120] ☆ [DoNt WaiT]☆ [wAnT To tRy ]☆ [SoMeThiNg NeW?]☆ - 23
(Columbia, i20/i26 [☆] iNcaLLs OnLy)
[[ bRaNd _NeW ]] -- [[SupeR BaD]] *tReaT* -- [[TO BACKPAGE]] -- [[AlWayS ReaDytOpLay ]] _75$«« - 23
(Columbia, Orangeburg)
$40 ✨$50hh✨ $100hr✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ BIG BOOTY ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ ULTiMATE COLLGE Freckled Faced ✘ℴ❤ℴ✘ FrEaKy REDhEAd - 21
(Columbia, ❤❤Incall❤❤ i26 ❤❤ Piney Grove ❤❤)
** AmBeR ** ** BeAuTiFuL** ** AdDiCtIvE ** ** AmAzInG ** - 21
(Columbia, columbia, camden,irmo,sumter n all areas)
⚠ADDICTIVE⚠💎 Rare💎DIVINE MIXED BEAUTY😇Ultimate Fantasy🎉💦 Pure Pleasure💦💯% REAL🎥Video Proof - 26
(Columbia, Columbia Upscale..In/Outcalls)
Amazing Skills -((KINKY))-Big Booty- ((Ebony Hottie)) $50 specials - 22
(Columbia, GARNERS FERRY RD (( incalls only)))
🎀$45 ✨$60hh ✨$120 hr 🎀SpEcIaLs 💋 💦OnE ToUcH Is LiKe EcStAcY 💦💋LeT Me bE Ur NeW AddIcTiOn 💦💋 - 21
(Columbia, Columbia i26 incall)
$35 EverY BoY's WiSh ★EverY HuSbAnD's SeCReT ★EverY MaN's FaNt@sY★ 2girl$60 - 25
(Columbia, *❤* BrOaD R!vEr*❤*)
💎💎💎💎 💕Do you need AD Posting 💕🍬 👠💋💄Do you need Professional Pictures 💎💎💎💎 💕🍬👠💋💄 - 99
(At Your Location, the surrounding area, Columbia)
Sat 11 Jan
Redbone waiting on you!! OLDER gentlemen preferred 40&up; ... - 30
(Columbia, Columbia .near downtown)
S U M T E R 💋🍫🍇 Chocolate🍇🍫💋 Bunny 👯 💯% REAL ✅ 🆕🆕🆕REVIEWED 💁CaTerINg to tHe bEsT 😘 - 23
(Columbia, sumter)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In your arms ;))