Mon 27 Jan
〓🌺〓💦〓🌴〓〓🌺〓 EXOTIC 〓💞〓💫〓💦🌴〓💞〓 RED BONE 〓🌺〓💦〓💕〓☀️〓BIG BOOTY MIX🌺〓 ☀️🌴CLICK HERE🌴☀️ 〓💫 - 22
(Columbia, COLUMBIA 2 NOTCH)
Early Morning Deser Chocalate dipped in honey... Lady Godiva.. .Specials till 12pm :) - 31
(Columbia SC near you)
erotic beautiful ladies with a 2 girl special that will make u click no further - 20
(Columbia, columbia sc broad river)
ELeg@NT VeRoNiC@ =EXCEeDiNG @;;LL EXpeCT@TiONS @V@iL@BlE NOW!!! Qu@LiTy SPeCi@LS - 23
DIAL *A* DOLL Now @ #1 (A CALL AWAY) ESCORTS @ (843)886-6622 or *CAROLINA BABES* @ (843)814-3150 - 24
(Charleston, A*CALL*AWAY(843)886-6622 &CAROLINA; BABES)
::))(() DIAMOND (:)) Certified Brain Surgeon ~ 100% Real Pic , Look No Further, No Disapointments - 21
(2 notch Columbia)
:-) Damn She So Sexy :-) Hot Pics For You "Cattleya " outcalls - 28
(Columbia, St andrews 2 girl Specials Outcalls)
っ◕‿◕)っ CoMe PlAy(っ◕‿◕)っ wItH ThE BeST(っ◕‿◕)っ SEXY SWEET N READY ! (っ◕‿◕)っ.60 special - 39
(Columbia, Downtown)
♥•COLA/SUMTER ] $70 N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E ;)- [•♥•]New 404/971/4562 - 23
(Columbia, in the area)
:*: COLUMBIA'S _ FINEST _ PLAYMATES _ Available NoW!! :*: :*: - 30
(Columbia, Columbia IN or OUT!! *SPECIALS*2 Girls*)
**Columbias Sexxiest BBW Vanessa is back! $100 Super Bowl Special *** - 35
(Columbia, bush river rd)
ChOColATE🍫ThuNder 💪🍫Sensual chocolate ready to melt on ur world. Small & curvy young & tight - 23
(Columbia, two notch available now803_ 400_6382)
*:*cHuNk¥ *:* cHoCoL@T *:* P_L_U_$ $_!_Z__D ¤FUN GYRL¤ eArLy BiRd & MiDdAy SpEcIaLs!! - 27
(Columbia/ surrounding)
Chocolate Bunny 🍫🍫 Sexy And 🍑🍑 Ready To Explode 💥💥 $50QV - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd. - Northeast Columbia)
fun freaky ready to make all ur dreams come tru so if ur into beauty with body call now - 22
(Columbia, columbia broad river incalls only)
For The ♡♥♡ Chocolate Lover ♡♥♡ in You... ≋ Catch THE RUSH ≋ - 23
(Columbia, INCALLS *** Two Notch & OUTCALLS)
ExXxotic *!! NaUgHtY °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOn UpScALe Ebony ☆ Money - specials outcalls100 - 23
(IN/OUT lexington/broadriver/downtown)
👅💦Finger Licking Good 🌟Prada Dior🌟 New Picz 100% Real 👣 Sheesh Mind 💨 - 22
Everys Man'S FANtasy >>> TWO == IS BETTER than ONE *SUMTER* - 19
(Columbia, sumter QUICK SPECIALS sumter)
▄▀▄▀▄▀♥♥ExOtiC ♥((( C★A★N★D★Y★ )))♥▄▀▄▀▄▀ ♥ ExcitiNg! ♥ AmaZing! ♥30 spec TXT ME NOW - 29
(Columbia, ♥▄▀▄▀▄▀APP please/Northeast area▄▀▄▀▄▀♥)
Early bird Lunch Specials $30 ....Start the day in ME!! **GUARANTEED TO MAKE UR TOES CURL - 30
(Columbia, 26 BUSH RIVER)
DIAL (843)886-6622 for LADIES 4 OUTCALLS 24/7 from the #1 A CALL AWAY ESCORT Service @ (843)886-6622 - 24
(Charleston, NO NIGGAS/NO FATTIES HERE@ (843)886-6622)
%% DA EXOTIC RUSSIAN BARBIE %% NATALIA %% $75 Special * MUST SEE,100 % Real Photos Or No Roses ,, - 19
(Columbia, Bush River , Columbia)
-CuM- SpAnK Me- Pull My Hair- Super Busty - - Super Wet & Ready For YOU!! - 80 Special until 8 !!! - 21
(Columbia & Surr. Areas)
♡♥♡☆★☆come play with this sexy red head! ready to please u not tease u!♡♥♡☆★ - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
come oil of olay on me!mS. COCOA wILL dO wHATEVER tHEY won't THICK LOVELY 44EEE NEW with 50 specialz - 20
(Columbia, incalls at my fetish pad on two notch rd)
Come escape from your daily stress with the new educated and sophisticated Diamond!! - 23
(Bush River Road, Columbia)
FreaKy GiRl NexT DooR Playmate ★•☆•★•☆•★ Catch Me While You Can! InCall Only! Super Specials!!! - 29
(Columbia, Safe Descreet Location)
*FOUR .. guRL L Y R I C, N I C O L E , AmbeR, P.L.a.t.n.u.m ..30* 50 *70* 80 * 100 * 130 rose - 21
(Columbia, Bush River)
_E_X_O_T_I__C *V_I_X_E_N_S_!* - _C_A_L_L_ * ___F_O_R ________ S_P_E_C_I_A_L_S __ - 29
(Columbia, call)
⸮·°¤¿·°¤⸮ Dont CHEAT youself, TREAT Yourself ⸮¤°·¿¤°·⸮ Its About YOU Baby - 21
(Columbia, columbia incalls and outcalls)
cute and thick came and have some fun and leave with a smile on your face $60 dollar special - 23
(Columbia, cayce off I 26)
****Click Here ****55$ hour Special With A Dominican Princess - 20
(Columbia, 2Notch & Surrounding Areas)
~~~~DONT WASTE YOUR $$$ On Less Than The BEST~~~~ask about my ten min special for 35 roses - 19
(Columbia, 2notch Rd.)
Dominican Cutie Pie .♥Come Play..♥.♥ 40,60 Early Bird, Dont miss out. - 21
(Columbia, In Call Specials/ Two notch rd)
😘😻👅Come see me $30QV Ms.Slim very petite and chocolate covered peach 803-357-8866 - 20
(Columbia, garners ferry)