Tue 07 Jan
Sexy Petite Ebony Goddess ***Real & Sexy*** (Incall/ Outcall) - 23
(Columbia, Columbia (SE/ Fort Jackson))
Smokin ¤ hot¤ late€ night]special_60 roses@LAD¥ silk !! Curve¥-sexy% B***h 60%rose60@60 60 - 25
(Columbia, fort jackson ganer ferry rd)
NEW - Let This Sexy Blonde Be Your Dirty Little Secret - OUTCALLS - 803- 807- 8280 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia/Northeast/Outcalls)
° LAST DAY ° NeW! .☆ ° FREAKY * SEXY * P l @ y M @ t E ☆ 5O/1OO SPECIAL UNTIL 11PM - 22
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
LimITED EdItIon 🌹🍰C!NNderella 🌟UpScaLe VixEN 🌟💋BeaUTy FoRGeT theResT GeT yhE Rest ☔️ - 23
(Columbia, FoRt JaCkSoN InCalls)
💯👄😘Kesha is back and better 💦👅👄then ever 😘😛803-357-5562 30qv special 🌹🌹 - 20
(Columbia, West Columbia)
Come to Sizzling HOT Miami!**We Will Fly You Down**Our Many Upscale Clients Will Keep You Very Busy!
(Sizzling "HOT" Miami)
☎CALL CINNAMON NOW 4 Amazing Spclz☎ ✓New✓ && Available 24/7☀ - 19
(Columbia, two notch up scale location)
SpCs!☆♡♥ ExOtIc NoNRuSHeD »-(¯`v´¯)-»*• _SUPER SEXY »-(¯`v´¯)-» NEW INTOWN SPCS ALL NIGHT - 21
(Columbia, twonotch)
$$$ :-) Come See This PHAT KAT$$$ Im really good i promise$$$ ;-)@ - 22
(Columbia, Columbia two notch Area in/outcalls)
Super FREAKY ★☆FETISH FRIENDLY 💦💦💦let me be your NAUGHTY sluTTy SeCret - 21
(Columbia, Garners Ferry Rd 👑💦)
💛Reviewed💜 I Love Massages 💙【BLOnDe BarbieDoll】▬ 【💙💋HIGHLY SKILLED💙💋 Reviewed 💕&💕 Perfect - 25
(Columbia, YOUR place ONLY)
Tired Of Gettin Rush & Not Satisfied For Your Hard Earned Money, Well Try My 50 Unlimited Time Deal - 23
(Columbia, COLUMBIA,SC)
New Sexy Bombshell Making All Your Dreams Come True - OUTCALLS ONLY - 27
(Columbia, Columbia/OUTCALLS ONLY)
(_/\_)How you doin Grown Men they say 2 or better then 1 (_/\_) - 22
(Columbia, BroadRivar-BushRivar)
Mon 06 Jan
$40qv... Sexy bbw "Tabby" Best at everything I do... Come find out...... - 36
(Columbia, St. Andrew area)
Tha Candy shop is Open.▅ ▆ SIMPLY ADDICTIVE ♥ Ebony GODDESS ▆ ▇ █ ▄ ▂ ★$30 b●bble••$40, $50,$80, - 29
(Columbia, ♥♥♥northeast area♥♥♥private residence)
~~*~~ Super Hot ~*~ Super Fun ~*~ HOT BLONDE with an AMAZING BODY ~*~ Super Hot ~*~ Super Fun ~~*~ - 26
(Columbia, Habersham In or Out call)
75 rose special with star im back in town white guys only and business white guys - 20
(Columbia, st andrews)
Sweet Sexy and Seductive babydolls! multiple girls so take your pick 40 rose special - 26
(Columbia, incalls only Bush River Rd area)
NAUGHTY & NICE 🌴🌴 New Exotic Curvy BEAUTY 🌴 LAST DAY Visiting 💦 Your NEW Favorite 😉😍 - 20
(Columbia, Outs)
Full Figure💦 W💦T L!PS ☆NiCe BOOTY 🍑 Dr!Pp!nG 💦T!GHT GRIP 🐱 MaDE 4 ⇨YoUR★PLeaSuRe💋♡ - 29
(BushRiver Or Your Place, Columbia)
SATURDAY RELAX MODE sexy professional and private! BODY massages and domination! - 28
(Columbia, garners ferry)
S TuN NiN G *: ._ {* K NoC kouT *} Above Average experience ......... specials again! - 24
(cola, sc)
:-) Damn She So Sexy :-) Hot Pics For You "Cattleya " In & outcalls - 28
(Columbia, St andrews 2 girl Specials Outcalls)
CaUtioN -:¦:- yOuR NeW -:¦:- AdDiCTiOn -:¦:- U WiLL -:¦:- NeVeR -:¦:- FoRgEt - 29
♥ sExy -> pEtite -> SeDucTivE -> fReaK ♥ $35spcls!! - 23
(Columbia, aSk me ; TwO nOtCh rD-iNCaLLs OnLi)
New!! jusT vIsiting * Mrz.sUpa Leak " Melissa Ranay Incalls 40 special 40 40 40 - 19
(Columbia, two notch)