Tue 21 Jan
~ NaTuRal BlOnDe WiTh BlUe EyeS *ThYmE* Is My NaMe and FeTiShes are The GaME - 30
(Columbia, (803) 446-0402 ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INCALL)
LooK WHaT THe WiNd Inn, A NeW BReaTH oF aiR To uR aRea. LaTiNa TreaT $60 SPeciaLs! - 22
💯% ME or it's FREE!!!💯%IndEpeNdenT 💋👍 EXOTIC Middle Eastern MIX** ✔ YOUNG & TIGHT ✔ 💯% REAL - 21
Lady red and Ms.tatti here to provide u with the ultimate experience! Come find out. - 21
(Columbia, Parklane)
√√°LImiT€d £DitIOn °o♥o°HAvE ME °o♥o° YOuR WaY°o♥o° ••45 ROseS ••★☆ ! - 19
(Columbia, *St Andrews . . .100% Me Or Its Free!*)
****Looking for of the best so forget the rest!!! never cold hearted***** !!! - 25
(Columbia, BROAD RIVER RD BY I20)
$$$$Im The One That Got That Act Rite & Get Rite BEST SPECIALS$$ - 22
(Columbia, Columbia two notch Area in/outcalls)
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ I'M Back ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ EXOTIC ♥ TS NUNU ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ try SOMETHING NEW♥ - 24
(Columbia, two notch rd)
I'VE BEEN A【 B : : A : : D_ ✖ _G : : I : : R : : L 】* YOU SHOULD SPANK ME! * 【CERTIFIED TO SATISFY】 - 24
(Columbia, Garners Ferry)
Fella's Fella's It's Double the Trouble Double the fun and Bonus Specials - 22
(columbia Two Notch in)
Gotta See It To Believe It"Candy" Thicker Than A Snicker - 22
(Columbia, St Andrews / Incalls 2 girl special)
*eXoTiC PUERTORICAN * LoVe will have YOU drOOLING *incalls NEW REAL PIC A must see - 19
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH)
{{CuTe FaCe}} {{SwEeThEaRt}} {{2GiRl ShOw}}$pecial$ LaTe NiGhT DeAlS💞 - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove i26)
Forget the Fake Catfish :-( Sexy Fitness Mode Here.... 100% Verified! Website & Video Proof! - 26
(Columbia, Columbia (harbison) (upscale incall))
Elite entertainer♥♕ Your Blonde Babydoll♕♥♕ Brooke♕♥♕ (★ available ★)803-225-4602☎ - 25
(Columbia, 803-225-4602)
EVON's°* ReaDy °* nOw °* CLicK °* HerE °* -CALL CALL CALL!!!! - 22
(Columbia in/out)
ERICA *👯* ERoTIC LOOKs*👯 DANGeROUS CURVeS Pu👸 gentleman's choice😘 TemPTInG 🍆💦 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/ Out or ins forest dr)
❤💕FLAWLESS!🌺💕🌹SUPER SeXy CHocOlaTe EbOnY 🌺💕❤Mz. SHINE.2girl Special ((140Hhr))🌹🌻🌺 - 21
(2 notch road 2 girl avail., Columbia)
☁💯💦 Daddi these Thot pockets cant even compete With My skills ☁💯💦 - 20
(Columbia, Orangeburg SC 301)
😍CaTcH Me wHiLe YoU cAn 👉40qv 75hh👈 👋SpAnKaBlE BoOtY 💦No BoDyS BeTter👇🏻👆 SnOwBuNnY LoVeRs👯 - 27
(Bush river, Columbia)
💦👅🌺 CoME get a Whiff oF mII rOses 4 40 Roses👅💦🌺2 girl 80 - 21
(Broad River Rd INCALLS ONLY, Columbia)
Broad River Rd: $100 EVE:::. 8039003006 BABY; Y Õ U __ D E § € R V € __ T H € __ B € § T ! $100 - 99
(Columbia, Near I-20)
Certified Beauties wit Booties & BoobieS 2 GIRLS SPECIALS 50 roses For 1, 80 roses fOr twO - 20 - 18
Back in TowN ¤New In ToWn ¤ Treat YoU Right°* Petite °* ¤ LeTS GeT RigHT ToNigHt_Blonde HOTTIE - 20
(Columbia, i20 incalls / outcalls limited)
Ashleigh, I am available all night long. Come play with me , lets have some fun. 803_529_0913 - 34
(Columbia, Columbia ( surrounding areas ))
ATTENTION ... NEW ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ☆ cLaSsY 'N SeXy ☆▄▀▄▀ ▄ *UnFoRgEtTaBlE TIME* ▀▄▀ ☆ BuStY BeAuTy☆ ▄▀▄▀ ▄▀▄ - 35
(Columbia, OUTCALLS ONLY... 10p.m.)
Back in Town Today So Don't Miss Me This Time. - 23
(Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, in/out, Myrtle Beach)
$80 hh special ☎~☎~☎ ✔I'm ☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔☎~☎~☎ - 20
(Columbia, Columbia Harbison)