Tue 21 Jan
��������▲ NEW ��������▲ STOP!! No Need to Go Any Further. I'm The One For You◆ NEW ▲�������� - 88
Only Intown 4 Tonight! Sweet♥Classy Sexy Petite♡5 Star Companion!!! Catch Me Now!! - 25
(Columbia, Columbia(Upscale)NortheastOff.I-77/I-20))
Orangeburg 😍1 NiGhT 👉40qv 75hh👈💦 LiKe WhAt U sEe👀 YeS iTs Me 👍🏻 LiMiTeD tImE - 27
(Columbia, Orangeburg i26 exit 145A)
N€₩!ORANGEBURG 💦⭐ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ➼ I_🇦🇮🇲 2_ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ🍭💦 ➔SuPe®_M¡nD ⒷⓁⓄB|0₩Ⓦ¡N READY4 ACTION - 21 - 21
(Columbia, ORANGEBURG Hwy601)
NeW ~ ATTN:--- C_H_ u_b_b_y ★ ★C_ H_A_S_E_R_S ★ ★ SLiPPeRY DRiPPeRY @ FLE*x*IBLE BBW - 30
(Columbia, broad river ♥ I-20)
✰ NeW ♥ MiAmi Sm0kiN HoTT LaTiNa ==► $50 SuPa NaStY LaTe NiTe SpECiALz - 19
(Columbia, ✰BuSh RiVeR ✰)
NEW SEXY _EBONY ]HUGE 34DD ]; ((YeS $60qk$$$) ==GREAT -XXX- SpEcIalS ( ( KiLLeR BoDY ) ) - 19
NEW❥——» BIG BOOTY Dirty!! HOT!! Sexy!! AND Ready 2 PLAY Super Freaky - 25
(Columbia, columbia and surrounding area)
** NEW in town ** KRYSTAL 100% FREAK its OPEN to you...... ask bout 40 special - 27
(Columbia, garner ln)
(((NEW))) -:¦:- LeAvInG -:¦:- At -:¦:- NoOn -:¦:- Squ!rter -:¦:- (((Available Now)))-22
((((InSide Me))))
NEW....SEXY ♢ BUSTY N*a*U*g*H*t*Y FuN ExoTiC PLAYmAt€* AvAiLaBle NOW - 30
🐰Mz.Shine🔥2Girl special((160Hhr/200Hr))🔥💋 Very Addicting 💎Upscale Barbies💎 💋 Sweet SuGar🍒👑 - 21
(Columbia, St Andrews / Incalls (2girl available))
🍑MS. PEACHES🍑Late night OUTCALL Special🌙 60 ROSES 4 Outcalls on Garners Ferry 💯% REAL Pics or F - 22
(Columbia, cola outcalls only)
:::MY LAST MORNING SPECIAL CUM in MY sandbox! I LOVE my dates 2 CUM & PLAY with ME::: 803-463-9171 - 22
Ms Juice Box ❤🌈😘 Back In Town .Come Get Me While You Can ⚡🔥🆕(Read Ad 1st)😍👯💌💎 - 23
(bush rivers rd, Columbia)
Misbehave With Class ***** Missy ***** M0rning Special ... "BONITA CHICA" - 21
💗 MISS 💁🏽 PINKI 💗Today!!! 💗 - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, 💗 SOUTH CAROLINA 💗)
$$New $$ Extremly $ Sexy$$ Pez $ Hottie Very Addictive $ Come Into My Freaky World 50$ Spec - 22
(Columbia, two notch)
♥{NEW} ♥GreeN eye RedBonE beauty ♥ ☞TopNotch ☜ a piece of HEAVEN. (high reviews) - 25
(Columbia, Very discrete... And Upscaled.)
New in town! X Hawaiian Tropic Model. No games just great Service. Will Travel
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
▓▒░*❤MY NaUgHtYCaNdYLaNd░▒▓* ❤* ░▒▓ ★ TIGHT★ TASTY ♥TREAT ▓▒░♥ OUT CALL ALL NIGHT!!! - 23
(Myrtle Beach)
*N3W* $50qv incall series inquires only Upscale men * love all R@c3$* - 18
(Columbia, incalls only bush river rd💦🌹💯)
MISS LOVELY will give you what you want & need 3candy discount 4th of July discount 35 35 - 20
(Broad river incalls, Columbia)
****NEW PICS!!! Amazingly Beautiful And Always Available For Out Calls - 24
(Columbia, lugoff/blythewood/Elgin/Camden)
🌟new pics🌟new number💕💎 $weet n petite & highl3y r3vi3wed @₩€$0m€ $p€c!@£$💎💕🌟 - 24
(Columbia, incall north east)
New #☎Beautiful💋 Upscale👍 Independent👑 Intelligent📖 Discreet🙊 College Grad🎓Real Pics!📷 - 26
(Columbia, St. Andrews Rd, Harbison, Bush River)
:*¨¨*:: (((NeW In ToWn ))):*:: AbSaLutLy ThE BeSt SeRvIcE ArOuNd :*:: -18
(Columbia (in & out))
-:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- N a u g t y By N a t u r e :) N y m p h o By C h o i c e -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- - 19
NeW ~ ATTN:-- $35- C_H_ u_b_b_y ★ ★C_ H_A_S_E_R_S ★ ★ SLiPPeRY DRiPPeRY @ FLE*x*IBLE BBW - 30
(Columbia, broad river ♥ I-20)
🇺🇸ME or its FREE 💋H A N D S down the best B L O N D E in town ☎️☎️ - 21
(Cola, West Cola, Lexington, Irmo, Gaston, Columbia)
(Leaving soon) Hot Hot Redhead, 100% real PICS, No Rush No Worry ....... Have It Ur Way !!!!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Near Columbiana Centre off 26 Fwy)
Leaving Today Miss Autumn Summers Upscale Visiting Escort.... Gorgeous Blonde - 25
(Columbia, Incall or Outcall)
Let me make that fantasy finally come true! Are you ready? 40 rose special - 26
(Columbia, irmo area incalls only)
LooK WHaT THe WiNd Inn, A NeW BReaTH oF aiR To uR aRea. LaTiNa TreaT $60 SPeciaLs! - 22
~ NaTuRal BlOnDe WiTh BlUe EyeS *ThYmE* Is My NaMe and FeTiShes are The GaME - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL)
L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ▐ ▐ ►Soft as Cotton Candy and Just as Sweet! - 27
(Columbia, Read ENTiRE Ad B4 Calling.*!)
♡♡Lil Leilani♡♡NEWEST HOTTEST THING TO BP♡Best in Town..Best in SC*Come see me! - 27
(Columbia, Columbia In Calls)
Looking for an un-rushed experience with a beautiful BBW InCalls - 25
(Ashley Phosphate, Charleston)
💋 make your fantasies come true! Ready now!specials for new faces-let's link up!! 💋 - 22
(Columbia, Broad river)
🍒Mmm💋LiPs LiKe💙 SuGaR🍭 tHiS 🍬CaNdY🍯 gOt😻 YoU ⚠sPrUnG👍 (8O3)🔦999-8573📞 I 💟➡ CaR🚘 pLaY💜 - 25