Mon 06 Jan
💦💋$45 $60hh $100 SpEcIaLs💦💋 0NE iN A MiLLi0N✨ ReDhEaD!! REaL DEaL ✨100% 💋💦 - 21
(Columbia, Piney grove)
Sexy , Sweet & All Around Fun 💋 Because 2 Girls Are Always Better Than 1😋 - 25
(Columbia, St.Andrews St. exit Incalls)
Tha Candy shop is Open.▅ ▆ SIMPLY ADDICTIVE ♥ Ebony GODDESS ▆ ▇ █ ▄ ▂ ★$30 b●bble••$40, $50,$80, - 29
(Columbia, ♥♥♥northeast area♥♥♥private residence)
👄 ★ ★ ★ ßorn & Raised Gorgia Peach ★ ★ ★ 2Giℛl ŠPëČiäłś 👄 CALL NOW 👄 - 21
(Columbia, 🎀 BUSH RiVER 🎀 Clean Up Scale Location 🎀)
New girl my name is lisa from japan real picture new girl here call +1 (706)3399756 - 20
(Columbia, Columbia airport)
~~*~~ Super Hot ~*~ Super Fun ~*~ HOT BLONDE with an AMAZING BODY ~*~ Super Hot ~*~ Super Fun ~~*~ - 26
(Columbia, Habersham In or Out call)
NEW NEW!💥SPECIALS💥 Mixed Thick💋Ju📍cy💋BOOTY ✨Lexxi Star 🔥🔥 - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch/Upscale Private)
new true-gfe piper @ southern belles🔔🔔🔔🔔- Table showers💦💦💦💧&🍺🍹🍺8037643875 - 33
(1405 Rushmore Rd Columbia Sc, Columbia)
Horny Horny Horny 💦💦💦 Come Lets Play 😘😘😘 Real Freak Hours ⏰⏰⏰ $45 SPECIALS 💸💸 - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch)
$$$ Heidi $$$ I'm ** the** **girl ** next ** door** Come ** see ** me** 803 317 0641 - 27
(Columbia, Lexington/ Columbia areas in & out)
Im passion an i want to b your dirty lit secret♡q.v. 40roses (803)667-4306 - 25
(Bush river, Columbia)
" Grown And Sexy For You"🍨Sweet As Sugar🍧Certified 2 Satisfy!!💯Incalls and Outcalls OrangeBurg - 21
(Columbia, ORANGEBURG)
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Gorgeous Tranny Visiting April 1-4 ... BODY of a GODDESS .....FACE of an ANGEL ..Lets PARTY!!! - 21
ATTENTION >>> The Beautiful G.I. JANE!! for a quick ill make you drop down n give me 50> - 25
(Columbia, two notch road)
AmAzInG:*¨¨*: EXoTiC EBoNY MiX :* .rEaDy & wAiTinG ¨*: . SeXY & SKiLLED -60 RoSe SpecIAl- - - 21
(Columbia, columbia****)
+++BL@cK BeaUty H3R3 fA tHA niGht .. T!Ght3$t Gr!P !N T0wN.. T$ Pl@y 2N!t3 :)++++ - 29
(Columbia, B.RIVER)
BEAUTIFUL ...2 girl special...One Of A Kind... SWEETHEART... hangin with Jordan! - 28
(Columbia, broad river rd)
•♥Sumter By-SHAW$60SPECIAL Sexy,THICK& HOT!! ReviewedPRIVATE Location♥ • - 36
(Columbia, Sumter Private Location)
?sinfully sweet seductress ?
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, hotel room)
REAL Playmate and Fitness Model! Upscale, Independent Highly Reviewed *read ad carefully* - 25
(Columbia, Columbia I-26 airport area)
no need to click no further the best is here if u like jewels im diamond - 20
(Columbia, columbia sc broad river)
NEW PICCS:::**$ExXyY little Bl0nDE!! Available ALL niGhTt!! CC@LL NOW!!**::: - 19
(Columbia, Columbia in/outcalls)
NEW GIrL On ThE ScenE~I'LL MaKe CHocoLate Ur FaVoRaTe FlaVor $40 Specials!WaNNa Try - 18
(Columbia, BusH RivEr InCaLLs OnLy 24/7)
NeW PiX✨$40✨$60 hh SpEcIaL✨ CoLLeGe ReDhEaD FrEaK 💋 BeAuTy & BooTy 💋 LeT Me ShOw U My MaGiC TrIcKs✨ - 21
(Columbia, Piney grove)
💕Let's Spend Quality Time⏳ with This Blonde Beauty - 25
(Columbia, Outcalls/Incall West Columbia/NE Area)
MW4M - Hot Bi Couple - 4 Handed Erotic Sensual All Nude Body Rubs - MW4M - 27
(Columbia, Lexington - West Columbia - Columbia)
My Mouf Is Ur Jacuzzi...*Pink Diamond* 7048906575 / *Chanel* 7044932498 Ready Now - 25
(Columbia, coiumbia,safe place)
✈️iN town " Ka$h" 😘🍒Šëdüčtïvë💦 plump👌🍆ADDICTIVE TREAT🍭🍫💦TIGHT✊w.ë.t & readyTo have fun👅💦😘 - 20
(Columbia, St.Andrews Rd 😝 IncallsOnly 💦💸)