Tue 21 Jan
* * * ""NEW P* SSy"" ------- ------- SAVANNAH ------- ------- ""HOT N' WET"" ( V . I . P ONLY ) - 28
(Columbia/Surr. areas)
(Orangeburg)❤ . PRETTY & petite .$50 Qv (: Come have fun with me 8034639172 - 21
(Columbia, orangeburg 601 . st matthews)
Pebbles can make your bed ROCK!!! Available Now Pics 110% Real - 23
(Columbia, Columbia Sc, Surrounding Areas In & Out)
pEtItE BlOnDe NaughTy FreAK Ready to PleAsE.*~*TiGht TiGht & DriPpIN wEtt! ANYTHING goes - 24
NeW × ❤ BiG BooTY × × MiXeD FrEAk × ❤ × $ 50 SUPA KiNkY SpEciALz - 21
(Columbia, ✿ BUSH RiVeR ✿)
New In Town * HOT * EXTREMELY BUSTY * BLONDE * 20 yrs. old * 150$ - 20
(Columbia, Columbia/I26/Ext104/incalls only)
💕(ORANGEBURG)😘💦NEW InTown💄💓🌺100%ℛεaℓ 😘💯 PRINCESS 👰💎 ßεαuty❤ 💄CrEmY & ReADy 💦803-529-5720 - 19
(Columbia, 💦🍭Orangeburg💦🍭 601💦🍭Incalls💦🍭)
NEW to the metro baby your first class flight to pleasure!!!$100 - 25
(Columbia, columbia SC /2 notch rd)
New VA BEACH BiG BooTY NasTY n KiNkY $50 EASTer WKEnD SpEciAls ◄[: - 21
(Columbia, BuSh RiVeR inCALLz ONLY)
N@ughty or Nice (I'll Treat You Right) .. 25 B0bbl...50 roses to play..best rates on bp. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
✰ NeW ♥ MiAmi Sm0kiN HoTT LaTiNa ==► $50 SuPa NaStY LaTe NiTe SpECiALz - 19
(Columbia, ✰BuSh RiVeR ✰)
(((NEW))) -:¦:- LeAvInG -:¦:- At -:¦:- NoOn -:¦:- Squ!rter -:¦:- (((Available Now)))-22
((((InSide Me))))
😘 New in town Puerto Rican Mix Hot & Ready 60,80 Stop by before I'm gone 💋 - 23
(Columbia, Two notch Rd in call's only)
****LAST NIGHT IN TOWN!! YoUr CoKe~BoTtLe BuNnY Is GoInG ByE bYe! Come see b4 its 2 late!!! - 23
MAGNIFICENT ^^^ BeAUtY !!! >>> YouR ** FaNTaSY ***** GirL ... ***** 50 SPECIALS - 24
(Columbia, two notch i-20)
♥ MEn'$ Best Kept Secret ♥♥ OlderR ThaN ThE Re$T $ ThE bESt ♥ NO BULLSHITTERS NEED NOT APPLY♥ - 41
(Columbia, 100HH 150HR.. JUST CALL...)
look no further cause diamond has returned and i have a lunch in call special - 20
(Columbia, columbia sc broad river)
♥ L°_E _°T°_° S° ►EARLY BIRD $30 SPECIAL" ◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y - 29
(Columbia, I20 broad river I26 saint andrews)
(Leaving soon) Hot Hot Redhead, 100% real PICS, No Rush No Worry ....... Have It Ur Way !!!!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Near Columbiana Centre off 26 Fwy)
(Ms. Heaven) *** Come Play A Couple Holes *** (Ms. Heaven) Back In Town!!:) - 21
(mb,nmb,conway incalls/outcalls)
Mileys Back 💋💋🌟✨ call now! Im available, & excited to please 7046485113 - 20
(Columbia, Exit 113 & 110)
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent â Beauty
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
I'm☆ Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔Busty 38dd :-$ 40spec! - 20
(Columbia, st.andrews i.26)
😍LeXxIe TaYlOrl👈 💋©®azY SkiLLs 👋§PaNkABL€ BѺѺTY💦 👯SnOw BuNnY LoVeRs TrEat 👯AdDiCtIvE ReDhEaD💋💦 - 27
(Columbia, West cola airport blvd incall & out call)
Just Arrived 🇺🇸 Ꭿℒℒ ᎯℳℰℛℐℂᎯℕ Ꮆℐℛℒ 🇺🇸 34*DDD👍🏼 ✨INCALL&OUT; ✨HOT Brunette ★★★★★ SerViCE ! - 23
(Columbia, Columbia SC ✨ Broad River & HWY 20)
INCALL SPECIALS NEW💕【Video 💋 Proof】💕【Sexy 💋 LaTina】💕【cUτє 💋 FαCє】💕 - 21
(Bush River Rd, Columbia, Columbia)
Hott Makeout Session With A Stunning White Beauty "♥" 100 SPECIALS "♥" 1 Night Only - 21
(Columbia, Lexington - Columbia)
I'm Legacy I promise a lasting memory 60 qvs White gents and Professional blacks only No price - 22
EBONY SPECIAL ~~~> all the LIPZ ... HIPZ .... Azzzzzzzz u can handle ~~~~> 9802231948 - 24
(Columbia, Downtown I-26)
★. HOt Milf, New Year ◆◆ ☆Great Combination !!! ♣♣◇◇ call Jesse (803) 398- 1230 ♥ - - 39
(Columbia, sneak away ...Bush River rd(ups)
***G@RN€R$ F€RRY is alwayz up & ready....Leaving at 11 TOMORROW....... - 23
(Columbia, G@RN€R F€RRY RD)
DROP-DEAD CaPtIvaTinG MixeD Beauty.... Let's g0 T0 My UtoPia of FANTASY - 24
★ ▬▬▬Come POP this FIREWORK!!▬★ BEAUTiFUL BLONDE★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬ ★ - 30
COME** feel ** THIS ** AQUAFINA ** FLOW ** All over ** U * Cutie WITH a BOOTY on DUTY! 50 special - 22
💎 Diamond's Afternoon Specials | NEW PICS | 45•80•120 💎 Catch Me Before I Leave ! 😏😘 - 21
(Columbia, Columbia SC (I20))