Mon 27 Jan
🚛🚛Truck Driver Speicals🚛🚛🚗 OutCalls Only $60 -$120 🚗 Ms. Parker Is The Truth - 24
(Columbia, Columbia/OutCalls Only)
👅👅💞💞🍒🍒Total 💯satisfaction ,☑Ms.Ebony☑ Gripps☑ ill make a 💪💪groan man moan👅👅💞💞🍒🍒 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia ,2notch)
Well Reviewed 60/100/160/ Must😁 Try My GF🍬Experience For $200💕💕💕or Overnight For $600 - 21
(Columbia, Incalls only)
Verified Mature Upscale Low-Volume Companion in Columbia -- CAROLINA Girl HOLLY-- Outcalls Available - 40
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, OUTCALLS ONLY! up to 90 miles)
Two bad bitch's at the same damn time! Great specials ;) $$60qv,$$80hhr, $120hr.girl on girl also.. - 29
(Columbia, incall hardscrabble rd)
💔Tuesday Only ..Well REVIEWED 💋 SINN-fully seductive RACHAEL SINN 💋 💋 - 38
(Columbia, Sumter Area Only)
TsGoldie$45asseating dicksuckinspecials (st andrews) 7065641122check tumblr - 19
(Columbia, St andrews)
~*~WiLD ~*~!!! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ??? *NEW *Ready 2 Please* 36DD ( 5O EARLY BIRD SPECIAL UNTIL 11AM ) - 22
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) Waiting * 4 * You (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) BLONE PLaY m aT--e - 31
(Columbia Northeast)
Upscale Location, Upscale Girl, only Upscale Gents**Nina Ready Now - 27
(Columbia, Columbia/ Private Incall/ Dwtn, I-26)
***** ULTiMATE PLEASURE = PURE SATiSFACTioN ***** Available All Night!! - 29
(columbia, etc.........)
The Attention of a Girlfriend, Very Sensual and Sexual Blonde - 25
(Columbia, Harbison Area off I-26W)
Text only 803_467_0442💦 Baby is a 💯% guarantee to greet u gracefully 💯%🚧safe environment🚧 - 25
(Bush rivers rd, columbia sc, Columbia)
*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* ADELE *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨*Christmas Specials *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* - 20
(Columbia, Columbia and surrounding areas)
»-(¯`v´¯)-- __ P-R-E-T-T-Y __ ((*)) __ P-E-T-I-T-E __((*)) __ Upscale __ C-U-T-I-E __ --(¯`v´¯)-» - - 23
—Upscale SweeT Choclate playmate Available¢Aaliyah NEW 4RM NYC iN _‘Out Call Spec. - 21
(Columbia, Bush river iN/Out)
♛♛☆ Ultimate Plaything!! ☆ Make Your Hump Day Complete! ☆ Nicole 803.354.7445 ☆♛♛ - 25
(Columbia, Columbia, Harbison Area)
*•° * ••×—THiCk & JuiCY THigHs —— BiGRoUnd BooTy—— TinY WaiSt——PRettY FaCe—*SnOwBuNnY ~ * ~* - 27
(Columbia, piney grove and 26)
============ xXx ============ LAST DAY 4 THE AMAZON BLONDE ============ xXx ============ - 26
(I 20 & TWO NOTCH)
Wait no longer..💋😘Experience an 😇Angel😇..☁Heaven here on Earth🌎MIXED petite treat🍧💦💦 - 26
(Columbia, Columbia..Upscale..In/Outcalls)
UPSCAle girl TRUCKZ pull up Real pix YES %100 real ▊▊▊▬▬▬❥ CHOCOLATE ❥ ▊▊▊▊▊▬▬▬❥$35qv. $50hhr - 21
(Broad river road(NO TEXT) (CALL ME), Columbia)
Ultimate Treat Taylor Made For You Unbelievable Specials Till 5pm Call Now - 29
(boad river incall, Columbia)
••••►███►♛ ¥øuŘ °o♥o° §@TI§F@CTIøN °o♥o° I§ ℳy o♥o #1 P®I0®IT¥ ♛◄███◄•••• 60 Spl - 25
(Columbia, St Andrews Road incall ONLY)
"They Call Me Sun" SHINE " Are You Up Or Nah #1Hot Pick ( 2girl 140hh/180hr Special) - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch / Incalls (2girl available))
(¯`'•.¸Your F@vorite M¡LF Serving w@rm cookies You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.•'´¯) 53" Booty! - 30
(Columbia, Ne Columbia/I77)
$$$$$Welcome To Treasure World $ Let me GRIPP your gold$$ best specials $35 $55 75 - 23
(Columbia, columbia sc garners ferry)
!WHERE THE WHITE BOYS AT! 40 bobble 50 rose specials with unique or star 150 ne thang goes - 20
(Columbia, off st andrews)
💄❤️❤️💋 Top Game officials presents Chocolate the Bunny 35qv specials $$ 💲💲💲 - 23
~ THyME To EnJoY YoUr SeLf WItH A nAtuRaL bLUe EyEd BlOnDe and FeTiShes FrIeNDlY - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL)