Tue 21 Jan
"t@lnteD " when i gEt exCited i Fire laDy luv J=U=iCe @ hIgh veloCity.. - 28
(Columbia, orangbuRg kinkiiboyzluvmE......)
*****ThE PerfeCt ChOice To SaTisfy AnY CrAvInG*****60 RoSe SpC!100% All Me!! pL. - 21
(Columbia, Garners Ferry I 77 ***In/out call)
Str@wberry Kiss Here w/ A 50 Get Wh@t You W@nt, For How Long You W@nt Kiss Speci@l - 23
OUtCalls to You O_o---> Look ....1000%REAL BLONDE. Petite, Fre@k in the Sheets...Daily Spec. - 20
(Columbia, I26 IN AND OUT)
ReAdY 2 TeAsE, pLeAsE & pUt Ur MiNd @ eAsE *.*HiGhLy SkiLLeD & rEqUeStEd 100% Me or Free - 21
(Columbia, South East I-77)
Pick mE Pick mE Come Get Yo Rocks OFFFF Ready4Action!!! WildSexy&Fun; 2GirlSplz80 - 23
(Columbia, lexington / InCalls)
PLAYBOY BUNNY Ready Willing & Able to Satisfy all your Needs *CATTLEYA* - 28
(Columbia, st andrew 2 girls special)
☆•o° •TURN YOUR ♥ FANTASY →IN2 ☆ °•°•*• REALiTY ☆ °•°•*• R U READY - 25
(Columbia, Columbia GREYSTONE (INCALLS ONLY))
My Hand On Your Zipper While I'm Playing With My Kitty - 23
(Columbia, Two notch And surrounding areas)
☆New☆ ((({{CLICK}})))) ☆☆ HERE!! for the'BEST' !!!! ☆☆ !!LIVE!! "UnCut" SeXy 40 Spc! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch rd)
NeW & ReAdY!!! T!ghT & JUICY JaZMine✨✨💦💦 VIDEO ProoF 💦💦✨✨ 🆕🆕🆕 & Available N💋W - 18
(Bush River Rd, Columbia)
KISSING Turns Me On ** Sexy Brunette ** I'm Finally Here ** The Real Me - 21
(Columbia, Main St / Lexington)
Jasmine 4 ❀ Ultimate Relaxing Company ~ & ~ Fun Playmate ❀ ~~~ 10AM ~~~ * ~~~ 8PM ~~~ - 27
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, anywhere you want me!)
~*~* HeLlO GeNtLmEn SeXy ErOtIc ChOcOlAtE ThIcK TrEaT, NeW In Ur CiTy MuSt HaVe!~*~* - 24
EVeRYTHinG YoU WanT + M.O.R.E = ME ((YoU Do THe MaTH)) ⇉ inCaLL OnLY ((WeLL ReViEWeD)) - 30
(Columbia, Discreet Broad River Incall)
Diamond💎look who's back come explore my treasure cave u can dig as deep as u like💎$40NCALL-12AM - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch Upscale Location)
(((Face Of a GoDDess, Tit's Of a StaR)))((80 D@llar InC@ll Sp3cial)) VISITING..... - 22
(broad river rd)
D ** R ** O ** P D ** E ** A ** D G * O * R * G * E * O * U * S ..Upscale Provider - 23
(Columbia, incall outcall)
Find Out How Sweet I Really Am.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Available All Day!! - 28
(Cola, Lex.,etc./Outcalls preferred!!)
°C°_°A°_°N° ___°Y °_°O°_° U° __ °H°_°A°_°N °_°D °_°L °_° E° _°M_E*. - 23
(Columbia, St andrews rd incalls only)
* BLaCk & ASIAN *^* M0dEL ChiCk!! ** KiLLer B0DY* Don'T Miss OUT!! - 22
(Columbia, Garner Ferry I-77*****)
💜💜Beautiful Blonde Angel👼🏼With Green Eyes And Heavenly Lips♥️♥️(803)295-1558 - 26
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (In/Outcalls))
Blond ♡White Girl♡ Curvy ☆ Very Long Hair ☆ All Are Welcome - 28
(Broad Bush River Greystone St. Andrews, Columbia)
Brighten Up And Smile It Aint All Bad..... .......Look At Me !!!!!!! - 19
(Columbia, currently harbison blvd.)
💦💋$40 $60hh $120hr💦 💋Sk!LLeD L!Pz ** T!gHt GR!Pz ** ¥OuR FR€aKyy ObeSSioN!! AlwaYz ReaD¥ 4 U 24/7💋 - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive I26 😘 Piney grove)
Alright northeast area. Tonight is the night. Come see your girl SKY.. - 26
(Columbia, Northeast, just past the summit)
*** $100 *** Out *** Calls *** you wont regret - 29
(Columbia, SERVING COLUMBIA & surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan