Tue 21 Jan
Morning special 100%passable transexual NICOLE 864-329-5095 no rush no bs great with 1st timmers - 22
(Columbia, two notch/columbia)
LYrIC is here give you what you need ( Specials Specials) Call Now 10000% Real 5 star EXPIERENCE! - 21
(Columbia, columbia incalls only)
LATIN LADYwants to fulfill your WILDEST Fantasy all night and early morning ask about specials - 40
(Columbia, West Columbiali)
$!!!$$GUESS WHO!!!!??$$$***$$PRETTY P*NK PORN ST*R ACT*ON!!!$$$ - 22
(Columbia, Saint Andrews - Broad River)
(((Face Of a GoDDess, Tit's Of a StaR)))((80 D@llar InC@ll Sp3cial)) VISITING..... - 22
(broad river rd)
!!!Come have a party on my body??? 40 get&go; specials wit BLACK DIAMOND until 9 AM... last nite here - 19
(Columbia, off i26)
CaN We HaVe SoME LuNcH :) ReDbOnE ♥♡ $50,$70,$100 LaSt DaY HeRe - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc/ airport blvd in&out;)
B€TTËR TH@N H€R⇧ÄND HÊR⇩★Big Booty! ♛•δε∂υ©c†¡√e • BBW•♥♡• $30qv, $45, $70 - 31
(Columbia, incall (lake carolina /clemson rd area))
♥CHOCOLATE LOVERS♥ (40 SPECIAL )Dont Be Afraid to Indulge in This Chocolate CALL NOW!! - 20
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
Best Body Massage with Asian Beauty
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
(803)713 4711 ♡♡ROXY♡♡ ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ 💋♛ ρℓαγℳᆀ ♛💋 нѻттiє! ✨ℳÃĞĮČ💦ℳ♡ỤŤĤ💎👄 ✖✘✖spcls!👄😻 - 20
(Columbia, Greystone ((InCalls Only)))
50Spcls*~* Exotic *Latin Bodiqua* Best In The City!! **2Girl *** X~Plicit *** New Pics - 24
(Columbia, Broad River in/outcall)
a impeccable perfection unconditional fun with me - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, South Carolina)
40 $¶£¢IaL ???Let's SEE *** if WHO CAn Reach ??? @ the UnForGettABle - WaterFall *** - 24
(Columbia, private Fairfield rd)
#1 *A*CALL*AWAY ESCORTS @ (843) 886-6622 CHARLESTON,SC (LADIES For Outcalls Only 24/7) (843)886-6622 - 24
100% Real PiCs █☆█ █☆█ ♛ TREATMENT FIT FOR A KING ♛ █☆█ █☆█ █☆█Excellent Reviews!! - 28
(Columbia, Available!!! NOW!!!!!)
Sun 12 Jan
Chocolate Petite, Caramel Sweet, & a Big Booty Freak. You can have 1,2 & or 3.($$50spls$$) - 22
(Columbia, two Notch)
409q.v. thicker than a snicker and I do whatever u like 250hhr all in special l - 19
(Columbia, Bush river)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
100% Natural 100% Real 100% Satisfaction 100% Relaxtion 100% real & recent pics - 22
(incall near ne sc = mall = ne)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
CLiCK HErE × ❤ BiG BooTY × × MiXeD FrEAk × ❤ × $ 50 KinkY & NasTy SpEciALz - 23
(Columbia, ✿ BUSH RiVeR inCaLLZ ✿)
~~ BlUe EyEd NaTUral BlOnDe AnD * FeTIShE FrIENdLy * - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL ON DEVINE)
Tue 07 Jan
Seductive latin mixed babydoll! Ready & waiting to please you. splz!! - 23
(Columbia, incalls only columbia)
Come let miss blaze bounce this Phat azz on you 3ring discount $35 - 21
(Columbia, Two notch incalls only tonite)
🎄Holiday Fun 🎄👅 'Specials✨ It's playtime ♡🌹Amo el sexo mexicano😍Bien apretado y jugoso💦 - 27
(Columbia, Columbia-🚗 OUTCALLS (METRO AREA ONLY))
Mon 06 Jan
?sinfully sweet seductress ?
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, hotel room)
NEW GIrL On ThE ScenE~I'LL MaKe CHocoLate Ur FaVoRaTe FlaVor $40 Specials!WaNNa Try - 18
(Columbia, BusH RivEr InCaLLs OnLy 24/7)
Im The Best and Everything You Want....Nonrush Highly Reviewed (Im Real, Do Not Call for QV rates) - 25
(Columbia, Columbia (upscale location))
{{{£@v!NG SooN}}} °ஐ GET A DOSE OF ME!!!~ (609)464-8260 Brandy is ALL U Need! °ஐ ° - 26
Sun 05 Jan