Tue 21 Jan
*******EXOTIC EBONY COLLEGE STUDENT FOR YOU***I'm Ready Babe***Lets Have Fun 2night!!**GOOD JOB*40sp - 19
(Columbia, two notch in&outcalls;)
Hey Guys Bella is baccckkk!! 👸🌻🌻 Sexy 🐰💋 BBW $40 QV (in call only) - 31
(Columbia, in call only off st andrews)
Exotic latin babydoll. Think you can handle all this? 40 spl highly reviewed - 26
(Columbia, incalls only)
EvErYbOdY's WiSh**EvErY hUsBaNdS sEcReT**eVeRy MaNs FaNtAsY.. 50ChOcOlAtE sPeCiAl.. No TiMe LiMiT - 22
♡♥♡☆★come play with this sexy red head! Im ready to please u not tease u!!♡♥♡☆★☆★☆ - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
* Da'lila leaving in 2 hrs catch me before i go new pics limited time * 60qv spls - 23
(Columbia, NE Columbia and surrounding areas)
Freaky n Latina" Bonita chica" 50$ SPECIALS. .or.. Lets get X- Rated with 2 Girls - 22
(Columbia, Harbison. Area)
★☆★☆☆Come Satisfy Your Hunger w/ Chyna Diamond `s Afternoon Special ☆☆★☆★ - 18
(Columbia, Garners Ferry)
Cornbread FED***** 100% USDA APPROVED!U will be @ddicted to my Thickness..53" of fatt round B00TY! - 99
(Columbia, ne columbia)
♥♥Buenas Dias Disponible para Mi Servicios♥ 1-410-587-6798 ♥ - 23
(Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach)
😍CaTcH Me wHiLe YoU cAn 👉40qv 75hh👈 👋SpAnKaBlE BoOtY 💦No BoDyS BeTter👇🏻👆 SnOwBuNnY LoVeRs👯 - 27
(Bush river, Columbia)
candle lit love with 2 creamy sweet and sexy ladies. Available 24 hrs - 23
(Columbia, columbia incalls only)
🍫🍫 Chocolate Factory OpEn🍫Orangburg 601 🍫 Diamonds 💎 are ForEver and I'm here to PleaSurE 🍭💦👄 - 24
Come & Be Touched By This Gorgeous Petite Upscale Black Beauty *In/Out Call* - 26
🏠College Gal Gone B•A•D🚘😍😍Cãrrïbbęãn Gøddëšš 👸🏾💕 Płęäšürėis Güräntëêd💋Specials Now - 21
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
ChoCoLaTe DReaM !! ♥♥ BuStY CuRvY GODDeSS→ 42DTits→ Big BuBBl€ B00Ty ★! 45 SPECIAL - 24
(Columbia, private off Farfield rd)
Brunette goddess like babydoll ready to treat you like royalty! Come play Splzs! - 25
(Columbia, incalls only two notch rd)
** Black Asian Delight Transexualt Arriving Today calling all military men - 23
Catch •★•The RUSH •★• in Columbia - Special Pleasurez Await You!!! *NEWPICS*!!! - 22
(Columbia, INCALLS ,Harbison Area!OUTCALLS ANYWHERE)
🔥🔥cHocolatE barbiE !!!💋💋"laSt dAy in town" COme gEt sliPperY & wiLd 💦 - 23
(Columbia, colUmbia, SC twO notch Rd)
[[ bRaNd _NeW ]] -- *tReaT* -- [[To COLUMBIA ]] -- [[ SuPeR »HoT]] *& [[ ReaDytOpLay ]] _75$«« - 23
(Columbia, ~*$75 HoT SpecialS~*Orangeburg)
! ! ! Available NOW! UP 24/7 == 100% Real, Independent & Unrushed ! ! ! ! - 24
Catch Me Beautiful New In Town No Disappointments Very Enjoyable & Guaranteed Last Day Specials - 24
Bl@cK ChYn@'$ here $40qv splz (Tickets 2 the freak show) 💕$exy exotic beauty Limited time call Now - 19
(Columbia, Parklane rd incalls only)
Beautiful♡♡S E X Y💋 C L A S S Y💃 and Undoubtedly S W E E T🍭🍬🍦 - 23
(Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, incall/outcall, Myrtle Beach)
8138573487 Both Of My Legs Behind My Neck @ tha Same Damn Time !!!* Lets get nasty*! - 25
(Columbia, greystone broadriver)
Allymay (: Best booty in town16075911414Young sexy extra naughty! Specials*** - 22
(Myrtle Beach, North myrtle & surrounding)
Back by Popular Demand★★Top Notch Pleaser★★Thick in the right places★★Busty n Curvy Model★★ - 22
(Columbia, Bush River rd/ Double Tree)
*** Amber Right Here Ready And Waiting On Your Call*** new number check it out - 21
(Columbia, columbia,sumter,camdon,peilon,irmo.all)
ArE YoU lOOkInG FoR aN UnFoRgEtTaBlE eXpErIeNcE? lOOk nO FuRtHeR... Im 1OO% ReAl, Im VeRy PrEtTy, dO - 23
(Columbia, two notch)
♡ -:¦:- 50 Rose SpeCiaL All DaY -:¦:- ♡ {{aLwAys ReAdy}} & tHe pleasures ALL MINE !!! - 19
(Columbia, Bush River)
:*: AbOvE _ & _ BeYoNd _ ThE _ rEsT :*: Im _ yOuR _ GiRL :*: CALL EVON!! - 22
█ — ❤ — █ ALL AMERICAN BLONDE ~ PERFECT SWEETHEART : █ — ❤ — ` - - 26
(Columbia, Columbia/Lexington)
☆AiM 2 pl∈AS∈! ☆° ♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P *♚* H◯T 35 SpEcialS•Caℓℓ Mє {{Avαiℓabℓε *N0W}} ★ - 20
(Columbia, st andrews ( incalls only))
#1 RECOMENDED. EXTr£m£ly $£x¥ caram£l companion ---» im everything u desire & more 8037209404 - 24
(Columbia, sumter and surounding areas)