Fri 03 Jan
((NEW))☆●☆ The PRETTiEST ( • )( • ) ● ALL NaTuRaL ● Puerto Rican Try thE BEST☆●☆ ((SPECIALS)) LLAMA - 22
(Columbia, __Garner Ferry Rd in & out__LLAMA AHORA)
.....:::: FLAWLESS ::::.....EBONY ~ MODEL :::::..... LIMITED* TIME*ONLY ::::::::....... - 25
Mz 🎀SpHaTfiRe 💐Exotic BeauTy💄 🅱ouncy🅱ooty‼️ 【 1 DaY ONly 】🎊【💐💲peciaL💲💐 】🎀【 JacuZzi ★ SpL】 - 23
(Bush River ( Out call SPL ), Columbia)
Thu 02 Jan
Samantha, The Girl Your Mother Warned You About... Available 24/7 - 27
(Greenville, Greenville/surrounding areas)
😘100% Me $40 $60 $130💖✨*♚* §PaNkABL€ BoOtie*♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* FrEaKy ReDhEaD♚💖✨ - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘( Piney Grove ))
****♥42D♥ UPSCALE EBONY 4 U ♥ %100 Real pics %100 Real Fun - 24
(Columbia, pivate location COLUMBIA N MAIN)
The Original Southeren Peach Wanna Play In My Bee Hive? It's Sweeter Than Honey - 43
(Columbia, Lexington SC)
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕 - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, everywhere, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Turn your dreams & desires into a reality with just one phone call! Splz $40 - 19
(Columbia, off i-20)
***SuPeR $eXy HaZeL EyeD BomBsHell*** SuPeR SuNdAy Spcls*** better than all the rest - 26
(Columbia, Northeast Columbia INCALLS ONLY)
*SuMmEr🌻🌈- I'm Sweet🍭🍦SEXY💅💋& Getting DIRTY👣🛁Behind Closed DOORS🚪🚪..😇😈 - 23
(Charleston, Charleston, Tri County)
G O O D . G I R L :*:; G O N E *:**: B A D D Brand New to the Area ♥ Never been seen - 21
🏈🏆🏈🍻🏈Down Set Hike!! Hike!! Come get these $40 Superbowl Specials🏈🍻🏈🏆🏈 - 21
(Columbia, Orangeburg SC 301)