Tue 21 Jan
Available NOW #iTOP OnlY n #SUK🍆🍆💦💦*8in PowerTool* CALL NOW📲☎📞 4 Rates ✔ SnapChat n TumBLr - 29
(Broad River, Columbia)
Best Avail Rates in Town (No Rush No Limits) 💯Girl in the Pic...Vixen Ts Kandace💕📲646-480-7944 - 24
(Columbia, West Columbia (i26))
ŚĔXŶ_ βŶ_ŃĂŤÚŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ČĤŐĨČĔ) ¤۩۞۩¤๑ஜ $ 50 sPeCi@Ls!! $ - 21 Broad River - 21
Verified Mature Upscale Low-Volume Companion in Columbia -- CAROLINA Girl HOLLY-- Outcalls Available - 40
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, OUTCALLS ONLY! up to 90 miles)
Web Site With Pictures And Reviews; InCall Today: Professional and Mature Men. ULTIMATE GIRLFRIEND - 33
(Columbia, Cola)
When It's Hard And You Need To Get It Worked Out With In Calls Available - 22
(Columbia, northeast/elgin/clemson rd/pontiac)
VISITING🔓🔓🔓🔓 Unlock your deepest Desires 🔐🔐🔐🔐 💋💄💋💄 Phenomenal Skills 💋💄💋💄 Gorgeous - 69
(Columbia, 💋 Columbia (IN & OUT)💋)
=========== Visit www EveryonesATF com For All The 411 & Scheduled Tour Dates =========== - 22
U Want Me, I Want U Even More!!!!! Come Indulge In Some Fun w/ My 60 Unlimited Time Special - 24
(Columbia, Columbia, Sc)
Star 👅💋🌊💧💧40 qv special tite grips the best around - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/lexington (in and outcalls))
★-» ❤ ThE oNe aNd OnLy SeXy MaDiSON ❤ LeAviNg tHe BuIsNeSS ❤ »-★-» ❤ - 25
SUMTER WE ❣●♥ *• :• ARE : * •●❣ ●YOUR * •●❣●FANTASY * •●❣●GIRLS *•●❣ ● • * :•..•: * • - 23
(Columbia, Sumter/InCalls/Outcalls)
█♥█ Sexy Blonde With The Perfect Curves!!!! █♥█ 75/100/150 Rose Specials!! - 29
(Columbia, incall and outcall)
Sexy seductive playmate here for your erotic pleasure with out calls available Now - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
SkIp tHe WiNgZ I GoT All ThE h(o)(o)TeRs u NEED 🎀 ☰█ ABSΘLUTELY 💖 AMAZi₦G ✨█☰█ CΘME PLAY - 19
SeXySeXy BlondE2 ^~ ~^~ ╠╣ E•♥•ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~•♥•~^ AbsoLutelY StuNNinG ===> - - 30
(Columbia, west cola)
Pull My Hair And F#@& Me Crazy Hot Freaky Brunette Bunny SpEcIaLs - 20
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd Incall)
☆* Q_U_ _L_! _F_i_€ _D * ☆* ( †O L€ÂV€ U ) *☆* §_ _†_i_S _F_!_€ _D *☆ - 18
(Columbia, Broad River)
OUTCALLS Only taste like candy🍭 🔥💦beautiful face and body💎💞💞💞 KINKY AND READY TO PLAY🍯💦 - 20
(Bush River, Columbia)
ORANGEBURG HAS A one woman show (Oh!!! MY GOODNESS)*&^%$#@ !!@#$%^& *()_+ - 22
(Columbia, ne irmo lextng cayce hopkns spng va)
New Lower RATES 4 the MONTH OF SEPTEMBER!!! Indulge in a Sensous BODY RUB by EBONY GODDESS
(Ne Columbia)
⇨♡One Of a KIND ▒★ KiLLєR CuRvEs ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【JuiCy L!ps 】⇨ ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE * BEST 】 - 39
(Columbia, DOWNTOWN)
NEW NEW NEW ***MISS FARRAH Is Waiting For YOU*** 100% Real Pics - 33
(Columbia, Columbia - INCALL ONLY, sorry fellas!)
NeW In ToWnツ★♡♂SPシCiaLs 👌👌 CHOCOLATE FANASTY ** YOUWnT LaSt 10miNtes ..!! - 20
(Columbia, Outcalls♥ Columbia &Surrounding; Areas)
O:-) Cashmere... ready for fun... and a new friend babydoll - 25
(Columbia, where u should b airport area)
(((NEW))) -:¦:- LeAvInG -:¦:- At -:¦:- NoOn -:¦:- Squ!rter -:¦:- (((Available Now)))-22
((((InSide Me))))
NEW....SEXY ♢ BUSTY N*a*U*g*H*t*Y FuN ExoTiC PLAYmAt€* AvAiLaBle NOW - 30
☆New☆ ((({{CLICK}})))) ☆☆ HERE!! for the'BEST' !!!! ☆☆ !!LIVE!! "UnCut" SeXy 40 Spc! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch rd)
~Michelle's Last Nite Here Leaving In The Early Morning~Runnin Late Nite Specials - 23
(Bush River Rd)
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ Looks Of A Girl Class Of A Woman And Skills Of A Professional! ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, IN🍒OUT🍒)
💦💦💋💝Looking to having some fun!!!💝💦💦💋New to the area - 23
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, in/out available)
In Sumter Miss Cookie a Beautiful Mixed Vixen Outcalls Welcome - 20
(Columbia, sumter broad st in an outcalls)
☆°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 40 $PECIAL$ - 20
(Columbia, two notch)
💙Jade💙 It's always the right time!🌹 803-636-1911🌹Out Calls Only! - 25
(Columbia, Columbia, Outcalls🚗Only)
InCall SUPER Specials!! (~*♥*~) FreaKy GiRl NexT DooR PlayMaTe (~*♥*~) Limited Time! - 29
(Columbia, Safe Descreet Location)
Fella's Fella's It's Double the Trouble Double the fun and Bonus Specials - 22
(columbia Two Notch in)