Tue 21 Jan
New SEXY CARAMEL GODDESS!!!! Take a LOOK @ choclate kandii 803 381 6534 in calls - 23
(Columbia, decker forest dr ftjackson)
Off I-77: $80 SpEcIaLs ☎️ 8034038450 ☎️★ { Ph@T JuIcy bOoTy OiLED uP & Ready 2 BoUnce On IT! - 69
New Lower RATES 4 the MONTH OF SEPTEMBER!!! Indulge in a Sensous BODY RUB by EBONY GODDESS
(Ne Columbia)
⇨♡One Of a KIND ▒★ KiLLєR CuRvEs ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【JuiCy L!ps 】⇨ ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE * BEST 】 - 39
(Columbia, DOWNTOWN)
PERFECT SNOWBUNNY on the loose***** Catch Me While You Can incall and outcall spEcIaLsssss - 23
NEW intown Sariyah👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌💥✨ 🎀 Thee 💋 💃 PERFECT 🐾 🍭 Package💘 )) - 21
(Columbia, Harbison area 😘😘)
New To Columbia Mz.SupaSoakaSplz 40 Only For This Morning !!! Ready 4Action. Slip&SlideAction; - 25
(Columbia, lexington / in calls Only)
NEW GIRL in Town - Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!... - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
NEW GIrL On ThE ScenE~I'LL MaKe CHocoLate Ur FaVoRaTe FlaVor $40 Specials!WaNNa Try - 19
(Columbia, st.andrews)
NeW In ToWnツ★♡♂SPシCiaLs 👌👌 CHOCOLATE FANASTY ** YOUWnT LaSt 10miNtes ..!! - 20
(Columbia, Outcalls♥ Columbia &Surrounding; Areas)
New Pics & nEW video***Carmen Carmen***sexy & PETITE*** Ready & Waiting for you! CALL NOW! - 22
✋👉😍💋New pics 😋Kiesha 🍫 CandyGirl💋🍬🍭 Qv 30$ special !! 👅👍💦 😘803-828-1863 - 21
(Columbia, West Columbia)
💋New Puerto Rican Mix Thick Curvy Sexy Bbw 64 in Azz 👉🏿Columbia👈 DID u MiSs Me👅 - 37
(Columbia, Columbia South Carolina)
{{{NEW.... Your New Secret Girlfriend...Non Stop Thrills and Limitless Skills}} - 30
NeW AvAILABLE— G:o:R:g:E:o:U: s — ♥ — E:x:O:t:i:C — ♥ — ViXXeNnS —18037282814 - 21
(Columbia, two notch rd)
OMG-U really are the girl in the picture, (MY NAME JAGUR) I LEAVE 2MORROW =morning HIT ME UP - 20
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* N__ e__W____ i__N_____T __o__W__n ____ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 22
N(E)W ____ViSiTiNg TodAy BooK NoW__ _ ExOtIc JaMaiCaN/ AsiAn__ __ReAL PiCs ____V.I.P - 22
🍬😚 Now in Sumter !😇 Call Now VANILLA CUPCAKE ! upscale && skilled BLONDIE - 20
(Columbia, Sumter, SC)
*~*N@uGhTy nEvEr LoOk ThIs NiCe*~* uPsC@Le~~Well Reviewed sPeCi@ls - 24
(Columbia, West columbia in or outcalls)
O:-) Cashmere... ready for fun... and a new friend babydoll - 25
(Columbia, where u should b airport area)
♥o° MaGiC LiPs °o♥o° SkiLLeD HiPs °o♥o° : :.♥: MORE THAN ENOUGH 4 YOU - 99
(Columbia, Columbia..)
New Gorgeous Cali Redhead... Visiting only (click here) pic 100% me, great rates, excellent service! - 25
New Hot Sexy G.A Girl $$40$60$100$ 100%real pics Booty an Body Soft Nonrush - 25
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd, SC)
NEW* Mouth of the South 💦👅💦👈 Sweet goDDess Super Nasty ❗️❗️Pretty Girl, SlipperY, No Rush 💋💋 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/ Columbia in & outcalls 24/7)
😘😜New piCs 35$ Qv 50 hhr special incalls only ✋👉💦💦 jazzmine REal Slim 100% me 💋803-357-5562 - 21
New To Town🌸🌸🌸🌸Ms GODDESS is Here💦💦🎉🍭SWEET n SLIPPERY☔️🍭🎉Party girl[5🌟] 💦F R E A K Y💦 100%💦 - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd. INcalls)
No Im not white.....(In Callz)Crazy Crazy Crazy off the wall BANGING BODY (24/7) CALLS - 20
(Columbia, ft.jackson Blvd)
New New 55 * 55 * 55 Everything ))Special )) ))*****))) ))*****)) ) * * * * Special 803-381-8269 - 22
💋New Petite Fun Size Foreign African Beauty Ready To Play Anytime Of Day💋50qv 60hh 100hr - 18
(Columbia, St. Andrews, Bush River, Harbison)
NEW Pics 50 spcl Leaving Soon*Amazing Body*& Very Nice Round A.S.S CURIOUS will make U ROCK & Happy - 23
(Columbia, two notch)
NEW to the metro baby your first class flight to pleasure!!!$100 - 25
(Columbia, columbia SC /2 notch rd)
• Nightly S P E C I A L S • satisfaction guarentee • Nightly S P E C I A L S • - 20
(Columbia, Two Notch ( incalls only ))
��������▲ NEW ��������▲ STOP!! No Need to Go Any Further. I'm The One For You◆ NEW ▲�������� - 88
$o Much Pleasure ( And It Only Gets Better) $essions $tarting At Forty Roses... - 26
(Columbia, St andrews road)
N€₩!ORANGEBURG 💦⭐ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ➼ I_🇦🇮🇲 2_ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ🍭💦 ➔SuPe®_M¡nD ⒷⓁⓄB|0₩Ⓦ¡N READY4 ACTION - 21 - 21
(Columbia, ORANGEBURG Hwy601)
N*A*U*G*H*T*Y ★ F*R*E*A*K.... The Fetish Queen ..... KANDI!!!!! I have specials!!!
(Broad River (in/out))
NeW ~ ATTN:--- C_H_ u_b_b_y ★ ★C_ H_A_S_E_R_S ★ ★ SLiPPeRY DRiPPeRY @ FLE*x*IBLE BBW - 30
(Columbia, broad river ♥ I-20)
*** NEW CHELSEA ready to make ur fantasy come tru tonight call now!!!! - 20
(Columbia, 2notch/incalls only)
🚨NEW In TOWN!!!🍯🐝🍯SWeeT like HoNEY🍯 BoDY like GoLD 🌟💰🌟OutCallS AvAiLABLe NoW🐝🍯 - 23
(Columbia, Columbia, Lexington, surrounding areas)