Fri 03 Jan
💋💥Ameilia is Back I'm leaving at 3💥💋 Le t s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c 💋 💙SPLS 💙 ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ 💙 ○ - 20
50 $pecialssssss =) Ms.Passion 55inch Booty Limitedd Time Only AVAILIBLE 24/7 CALL NOW √√√√√ - 22
(Columbia, 2Notch Rd =) Incallss)
!!!!!!!60 60 60 dollar SpEcIals hErE FoR tHe WeEkEnd So GiVe mE a CalL!!!!!!!!! - 20
(Columbia, Bush river rd)
▬▬▬▬ 💗 1OO% Rεaℓ 💄 ▬▬▬ANGEL▬▬▬ ⭐ ßεαuty 🍭 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💎 #1 Pℓαγmαtε 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬no - 30
(Columbia, Bush River)
(30 rose special)sexy redbone N3w👉 Super 💦Juicy✖Super Nàsty✳ Violet - 23
((Greystone)in calls only, Columbia)
$80 ERoTiC (~*♥*~) RuBs °*° K-N-O-C-K °*° O-U-T °*° H-O-T-T- I-E °*° (~*♥*~) ADuLt Ent. - 25
(Columbia, {{{$80 SpeCiaLs}}} Columbia)
40 Q.v. come enjoy your fantasy upscale client only 150 nethang hhr special - 20
(Columbia, gardners ferry)
💧40😗60😗100💧💵💥C🙇ME BABYY👉M🚺E +Y🚹U=🔟FrEaKy W💃YS🙅NoBoDy CoMpArEs⚡Im YoUr BeSt Bet - 20
(Columbia, Columbia (Two Notch))
***^ $^* 100 % Real PIcs ..Ms. Layla Love... EARLY MOURNING Specials^^$ ^^ **** - 26
♥ $40Qv LUNCH SpLzzz♥C@ll m3 (803)-521-5571♥ $40Qv LUNCH SpLzzz♥11:00am-2:00pm - 19
(Columbia, Off St. Andrews Rd INCALLS ONLY)
40 MoRning special College Girl TAylor So FREAKY Call Me NoW!!! I'm reAdy - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove Incall / out)
🌟Superb sloppy💦sensations Come Nibble some🍇S and taste tha 🌈Can you pop this 🍒? - 20
(Columbia, River side ❌🚫No Police 🚨 🚫 River side)
Taboo Tuesday Just For You!! Limited Time Only!! Take Advanage WhileYou Can!! - 26
(Columbia, Broad River)
💋💔Peachy💋💋 I am here for your pleasure.. you never had a Texas Girl until you had me.. 💕 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia, Broad River Road, Bush River R)
💗 MISS 💁🏽 PINKI 💗Today!!! 💗 - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, 💗 SOUTH CAROLINA 💗)
RENEA - Visiting - Back in Town! ~Special Rate- 150- hour.~ My Time Is Limited! - 38
(Columbia, Bush River Rd.)
L€@VING SOON!!! Don't Miss Out on Me, I'M TH€ B€ST!!*50$* QK, 80$ HH, 140$ FH* 2night ONLY!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Forest Dr InCall Only (Ft. Jackson))
SATURDAY RELAX MODE sexy professional and private! BODY massages and domination! - 28
(Columbia, garners ferry)
***LuCiiOuS LiPs & DeLiiCiiOus HiPs }: BusTy chocolate BoOtYlicIous *** - 25
(Columbia, columbia in-out-call)
BeAuTy😘😘BrAiNs😍😍AnD MuCh MoRe👍👍So ChEck Me OuT NoW!!!!SPECIALS TILL 7Am - 23 - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch)
New!! Action in Ur City " Rachelle Monroe " 60 * SpeCial 1 daY OnlY!!! ( DONT MIss OuT) - 24
(Columbia, Two notch)
ŚĔXŶ_ βŶ_ŃĂŤÚŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ČĤŐĨČĔ) ¤۩۞۩¤๑ஜ $ 50 sPeCi@Ls!! $ - 21 Broad River - 21
💣sweet pea SPECIAL 💣sexie ,satisfying sweet pea's waiting to please you 💋♋!!!803-369-4405 - 42
(Columbia, west columbia cayce)
💋SuGaR💜⏳AvAiLaBle ⏰NoW ✔👌 👑SeXy*/SWeEt 🍦FuN*/ GiRl💦SmoKinG*/HoT🔥CaLl 📲 *SuGaR↩iM💎 WaiTinG💚 - 25
(Columbia, iNCALLS)
NEW 100% REAL.EXOTIC Red Bone Slim Waist Gorgeous Face & Thickin Only the Right Place. - 19
(Columbia, Broad River)
~💕N€W 💕☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅✴ Upscαℓε ßεαuty••💋UR #1🔝 Pick ♥ In&Out; Calls ★ ★ - 21
(Columbia, St. Andrews)
Get ready for Sexual enhancement in 10 min!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
***** New ***** sexy ***** sweet ***** Molly **** 803- 317-0641 ****** - 27
(Columbia, Lexington/ Columbia)
★New Number★ X-Rα†εd NEW Pics▶100% R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ╚»CALL Ms.Monroe - 20
(Columbia, West columbia, near downtown)