Mon 27 Jan
New video proof -latina beauty - ts monica - avaliable now ☎️☎️☎️ - 21
(Ashley phosphate rd, Charleston)
Here Now off BoardRiver 🙌*Limited Time (Checkout MyWebsite) - 24
(BOARD RIVER/St.Andrews Rds, Columbia)
Im that NEW NEW Jada 803-271-3180 IM WhaT U WanT. YouNg.. CutE FacE, ThiN WaiST, VerY HunG.
Early⛅️Bird🐔 Qv Rates Avail (No Limits No Rush)👍 Proof Video Avail.🎦)Vixen Ts Kandace 📲8434616592 - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove Rd)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» __ Passionate __ Sensual __ Magnetism __ »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 28
(Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Myrtle beach)
Your REAL LIFE EBONY BARBIE////// SC's Finest EXOTIC ADULT Entertainer: Baby - 69
(Columbia, Incalls(greystone area) and Outcalls)
VISITING Looking for a break for the ordinary.. a lady with class and reviews.. VISITING! - 32
your fantacy in a bottle wait until you see - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina)
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Trucos Estrella porno😘😘, Latina lujuriosa, listo 😍😍para🍓🍓 volar la ❤️❤️mente ur 👅🍭 Panamanian 🍭🍭GOdDeS - 23
(Columbia, I-77, RichBurg , Lancaster Hwy)
$$$$$Welcome To Treasure World $$$$$ Let me GRIPP your gold$$ best special - 23
(Columbia, columbia sc two notch rd incalls)
!!!———❤ ~__U__N__ L__O__C __K __~__ M__Y__~ __G__O __O__D__I__ E__'S__~ __N__ O__W__~ - 35
(Columbia, Downtown usc)
Very Discreet & Friendly .......50,70 till 10pm.. Don't miss out... - 99
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd...In calls...only)
UNCOVERED 70$ Have ur way 👠💄LONDON🍬 Thick bbw 704-294-3877 - 25
(Florence, Morven cheraw line n chesterfield wadesb)
Thick or Petite???? You Can Have It Your Way!!! The Choice is yours** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** *** - 23
(Columbia, I-126 Greystone)
Take It Slow Baby There's No Need To Rush Out Calls Available - 23
(Columbia, North East/Garners Ferry)
TwO GiRlS $80 SpEcaIlS AlL ToGeThEr :) AlL NiGhT - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc (piney grove rd) in&outcalls;)
Toe Tingling/Jaw clenching/Spine curling exp. $30 bobble $45 spec early am - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
"The Best Of The Best" Hot And Ready For You - 19
(Columbia, St Andrews / Incalls 2girl hhr Specials)
The Best ADDICTION 843_5h97_99(93💦3💍Pure Pleasure Nd it Only gets 💦💦👌 - 22
(Columbia, Garners Ferry incall outcall)
The Best Special U Can Ever Imagine!!! pecial!! Last Couple Days in Business!!!!!! - 24
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, everywhere)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Specials Specials Petite Redbone :) $40,$60,$100 - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc (two notch rd) incalls only)
Special!! (_/\_) Hey Men The 2 girl special is Back!!! (_/\_) Special!! - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/Sunset Dr.)
~SOUTHERN-HOSPITALITY~ NATURAL 36DDD! Mature Experience! Review on TER145545 (Ranked 11th/top 100)! - 43
* Sumter * volumptious size physical attraction and more... - 18
(Columbia, Sumter and Surrounding areas in/out)
Special!!*^-^* Come Play With Fire.... Smoking Hot Ember Phoenix!!! 803-543-6925 *^-^* - 25
(Columbia, Lexington)
sweet petite ☆★☆★ nothing fake here☆★☆★☆ red headed beauty♡♥♡♥1000% real - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
SUMTER SC INCALL best lollipop in the south✋nO RUSH 👉no wait💦 - 25
(Columbia, SUMTER SC👉discreet location my place)
~*~SEXY ~*~PETITE ~*~Black ~*~and ~*~ Indian ~*~MODEL~*~ Captivating ~*~ - 22
(Columbia, SC (Incall/ Outcall))
*** SeXy, ClAsSy, **UPScALE*YoUr DiRtY SeCrEt !! Mz. UnIqUE $$$ 40 QuIcK VIsIts $$$ - 23
(Columbia, Rosewood/Southeast Columbia)
Sexy seductive mouth watering brunette. Highly Reviewed and Highly Skilled - 24
(Columbia, incalls only northeast cola area)
💋AIM TO PLEASE💦⚠HIGHLY ADDICTIVE⚠💘💦💎RARE🔥Devine MIXED Angel😇👅Petite Treat🍧💯Real Pics&Vid;📷 - 27
(Columbia, Columbia Upscale..In/Outcalls)
!!!!!!!80 80 80 dollar SpEcIals hErE FoR tHe WeEkEnd So GiVe mE a CalL!!!!!!!!! - 20
(Columbia, Bush river rd)
40 Splzs (¯NEW Arrival¯):¦:- I'M ReadY-::-- :¦:-ARE U -:¦:-SPLZ ALL DAY - 19
(Columbia, ( IN Calls Only) Two Notch)
40/qv • 60/hh • 100/hr ✋ ITS MY BIRTHDAY 👑 TIP ME 💸💸💸 Naomi 8036091969 | 👉 New Pictures 💎💎 - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd)