Sun 05 Jan
Petite Morgan Late Christmas Spec.$30qv, $60hh, $100hr Love All Races 11pm Close - 22
(Columbia, garners ferry rd incalls only)
=========== Petite HISPANIC Playmate LOLA Visiting COLUMBIA 3/10 & 3/11!!! =========== - 22
New sexy baby doll to BP! ready and waiting 50 rose special - 30
(Columbia, bush river incalls only)
🌺🍉🍒❤️N E W🌺🍒🍉💦 F L A V O R ❤️🍒❤️🍓❤MIXED🍉🍎❤️ⓟⓞⓡⓝSTAR 🌺❤️🍒❤️B I G 🍉BOOTY🍓❤️🍎🍉❤️ 🌺❤F R E A K️🍒❤️🍓❤️🍎❤️ - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch Road 🌺(Columbia)🌺)
♥{NEW} ♥GreeN eye RedBonE beauty ♥ ☞TopNotch ☜ a piece of HEAVEN. (high reviews) - 25
(Columbia, Very discrete... And Upscaled.)
▓▒░*❤MY NaUgHtYCaNdYLaNd░▒▓* ❤* ░▒▓ ★ TIGHT★ TASTY ♥TREAT ▓▒░♥ OUT CALL ALL NIGHT!!! - 23
(Myrtle Beach)
New!! Rare BEAUty ★CLeaN & CUrvY★ SOFT N SWEET !! ((Bush River Road)) - 23
(Columbia, Bush river road)
Ms KarRLie 😘 NaTuRAL BEaUtY BaCk In ToWn AnD rEaDy FoR fUn ~NoW aVaIlAbLe~ - 23
(Bush river, Columbia)
LeTs GeT Fri§Ky ++{{§paNkabLe BooTy}} (+)(+) PerKy TiT§ (+)(+) && a DirTy MinD [Let§ PlaY - 20
(Columbia, MY PLACE or YOURS)
Let Me Please You Not Tease You $40qv Freaky Lady - 19
(Columbia, cayce airport exit 113 in/outcalls)
☆ JESSIE is »* §©#% {803}271 0655 %#©§*«the total package! ☆ - 34
(Columbia, Inncalls only bush river)
**** L _0NG L _3GG3D H011I3**** Stacy B )COM3 PL4Y**** - 24
(Columbia, columbia , surrounding areas)
**JORDAN is BACK** Puerto'Rican Queen ** 100% Real, Hot and Waiting for you !! ** SPECIALS !! - 20
(Columbia, Piney Grove)
leaving EXCLUSIVE VIXXEN HONEY No Hands Unforgetable & Exotic - 22
(Columbia, NOTCH surrounding area)
💜🍰JeSsiCa QueeN oF🍓 PleAsurE ♣ Upscale beauty♡ 70$🍉OUTCALLS Think yOu Can HanDle thE QuEen♕♛♕ - 23
Hot Sexy Blonde MILF from Augusta Here for the Evening Tonight - Tuesday - 47
(GREAT suite off of I-26)
American Spa 803-731-5154 Tableshowers /Massages with new girls Mocha & Sasha - 23
(Columbia, 652 Bush River Rd.Suite C)
$$$ Heidi $$$ I'm ** the** **girl ** next ** door** Come ** see ** me** 803 317 0641 - 27
(Columbia, Lexington/ Columbia areas in & out)
🔔Southern Bellle's Natural Beauty VANESSA Late Nite with 5 ⭐️ Reviews on Rub Maps & USA 👀 - 21
(1405b Rushmore Rd, Columbia)
🍓🍭🍒ThiCK 🍓LUscious 🍒 SUPer 🍭FREak 🍓 LONely 🍓 NEEDing 🍒 COMPANy 😍 SExy 💯💯💯 - 35
(Columbia, ORANGEBURG)
MANDY at Pure Serenity 2-10!! Call or come by now! 😘😘 - 28
(920 Saint Andrews road (back building), Columbia)
💋 ❤✔] 👠💄SEXY& DELICIOUS 👄💦[✔]🚧 VERY ADDICTIVE🚧 [✔] 💯Top notch Pleaser ❤100% ME💋 ❤ - - 28
(Columbia, St andrews)
Sexual enhancement right now! - 23
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Right here)
🌷🌷💦Southern snowbunny💦🌷🌷Available Now! 💦🌷🌷You won't want to leave! 💦🌷🌷 - 28
(Bushriver rd area, Columbia)
★ █ * S : : E : :X::Y_ ✖ _ D: : O : L: : L * █ ★ BUSTY & CURVY GODDESS~♥Avail NOW... - 30
*SILK* SMOOTH** && sweet you will surely enjoy my treats 8033616889 - 23
(Columbia, Broad river bush river)
NewNew♥♥40, 60 & 100hh 2Grl Caution Very Addictive Specials Specials Special all day& Night ♥♥ - 18
(Columbia, Saint Andrews)
❤️💜Playmate Alert🌹Sexy MONA, Here to take You on a Wild Ride Call Me Now🌼🌺- 21 - 21
(Bush River Upscale Location, Columbia)
💕🍭I'vE 🅱eEn a VeRy 🅱aD Gi®l 💦💜I NeeD a SpAnKiNg👏 ➟I WiLl BL💨W💥 Ur MiNd ➟ NO BLACK MEN💕 - 19
(Columbia, InCalls Only::Columbia)
Elite VIP Leigha Summer-The BEST of the best. Highly Reviewed & Waiting for YOU. XoXo Incall/Outcall - 36
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach by Broadway)
DeLiCiOuS BiG BooTy_ ▓ ►Real pics me or its free ▓ ► TiGhT & SWeeT ★ BiG (◎人◎) Jamaican MiX - 21
(Columbia, two notch incall only (real pics))
*$* Extra, extra... Read all*About it!! Laidback Lanna.... come chk me out*$* - 33
(Columbia, Airport Blvd..Cayce)
🎄🎁Come Unwrap your CHRISTMAS PRESENT Early🎁🎄 - 36
!!!!! CHoCoLATe ADDiCTioN !!! THe HoTTeST LiL FReaK !! !! 24/7 AVAILABILITY !! - 20
(¯`v´¯)-» B_E_A_U_T_i _F_U_L (¯`v´¯) BLONDE (¯`v´¯) C_O_M_P_A_ N_i_O_N - 30
(Charleston, Charleston and surrounding areas)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, City Location)
Feel The Enrapturing Sensual Ecstacy Of Gorgeous Nubian Goddess * Come Rest & Relax @ My Place - 26
(Columbia, 9a-9p Daily-----Downtown Off Assembly St)