Tue 21 Jan
**** ☃⛄☃Slip&Sliding; Thursday ☃⛄☃***Orangeburg 🎄🌲🎄803/800/7887*** 🎄🌲🎄 - 21
(Columbia, orangeburg orangeburg orangeburg)
Sexy Caramel Treat Ready 2 Play In & Outcalls - 27
(Columbia, Columbia sc, west columbia,lexington sc)
SEXY N SWEET n YOU can have WhateVer u LiKe!!!!! call 4 friday nite special !!!! - 24
(Columbia, st.andrews)
🐇SnoWbuNnY 🆕PiCs 😍 CaLl 📲NoW 🐸999🍭 8573🐰CaR🚘 PlaY 💙 FuN 🐞 SuMmEr🐚 TiMe🌋 SpeCiaLs 🌸 - 25
💦💦✨ ROXY ✨💦💦 Juicy & UNfoRGeTTabLe T!ght💄💄💋 Smooth Skin Long Toned LeGs.... Video PROOF - 21
(Columbia, Two Knotch)
S U M T E R😘🍒Šëdüčtïvë💦 plump👌🍆ADDICTIVE TREAT🍭🍫💦50spls TIGHT✊w.ë.t & readyTo have fun👅💦😘 - 21
(Columbia, Sumter Broad St 💦 UP ALL NIGHT 💦)
SeDuCtIvE, ClAsSY, BeAuTiFuL **PeTitE BoDy** Mz. Strawberry!! $$ 45 HH Specials $$ - 22
(Columbia, Garners Ferry Road/Ft. Jackson)
Sexy chocolate curvy bbw😘😘😍😍😍💞 come get u sum upscale thickness Specials 24/7🍆👅💦Incalls/& OUT - 22
(Columbia, Columbia bush river)
🎀Sωℰℰ† Liƙє ɧøɴℰұ🍯🎀Ƥℰrƒℰ¢† AⓢⓢɛƬs🎀 Avaiℓabℓє✅Nø Ʀusɧ✅Gūãṟaɳ†ɛɛɗ Sä†isfa¢†iøŋ✅ βɛsт Ʀäтɛs💰🌹✅ - - 24
(Broad River, Columbia)
OUtCalls to You O_o---> Look ....1000%REAL BLONDE. Petite, Fre@k in the Sheets...Daily Spec. - 20
(Columbia, I26 IN AND OUT)
👅🎲Prada PanTiEs MUST Read Below👇New Pictures Perfectly Slim and Bounceing Booty 50Qv - 22
(Columbia, Ft Jackson Blvd/ Garners Ferry🎲🍪🍫)
Qv_100_Yes kimmy pics r Real!! I have over 50 tats. test your luck ☎ pay2play💁803⚡467⚡0442 - 25
(Columbia, columbia sc , sumter sc)
☆* Q_U_ _L_! _F_i_€ _D * ☆* ( †O L€ÂV€ U ) *☆* §_ _†_i_S _F_!_€ _D *☆ - 18
(Columbia, Broad River)
@ **~* @ *~** S_E_X_X_X_Y **~* @ *~ ** UNFORGETTABLE ** ~* @ *~** PLAYMATE **~* @ *~** @ - 23
S * U * P * E* R ------- B * U *S *T* Y ---- ----- B* R *U * N* E* T *T *E - - 23
(surrounding columbia areas)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E 10mins-30 - 23
(Columbia, North Main St)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
Out call 😘 $70q.v. $120💋AmAziNg ReDhEaD 💜CoMe PLaY WiTh My SliP n sLiDE 💦 #1 WaNtEd SnOwBuNnY 👯 - 27
(Columbia, outcall😘 where do u want me)
ReAdY 2 TeAsE, pLeAsE & pUt Ur MiNd @ eAsE *.*HiGhLy SkiLLeD & rEqUeStEd 100% Me or Free - 21
(Columbia, South East I-77)
SEXY bruentte bombshell!!💦💋🌹INCALL specials 💋💦OUTCALLS also AVAILABLE 💋💋🍒40q.v..80hh...140h - 25
(Columbia, bush river road)
NoRthEaSt AREA👅THICK BYTCH EVE👅📱 8034038450 📱UHMMMMMMMM!👅★ ... . {SInFulLy AllLlll YoUrs} COME👅 - 99
(Columbia, InCalls.& Some OutCalls💋.)
✋Outcall only SweetChocolate Tiffany available all day and night call me now 8035679053😝😍😘💦💧👅� - 20
(Columbia, two notch/garner ferry)
Santee SC 👅💦$40🚒🔥Bɛt ʏօʊ ċaռt last 5ⓜⓘⓝⓢ ɩŋ tɧҽ ىaųcҽ🔥🚒 - 21
(Columbia, Santee I95 exit 98🔥🚒orangeburg)
Sexy and Seductive - Your Ultimate NAUGHTY Girl Next Door Experience! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
nothing compares hot and sexy - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, South Carolina)
★. OMG !! HOt Milf Jesse ◆◆ ☆ & her Sexy Neighbor Becky♣♣ team up ◇◇ call Jesse (803)398 - 1230 ♥♥ - 38
(Columbia, sneak away with me)
Outcalls ONLY!!!! BBW !! Columbia & Surrounding Areas Miracle Is Here ! $60 FOR OUTCALL. - 22
(Columbia, Columbia & Surrounding Areas)
🌺PreTty 👑pRetTY 🌸pLeaSe🍀 WitH 💎SuGaR🍩 oN💣 ToP🍄 8O3🍆 999 🔔8573🐼 cAlL🌴 NoW💲 - 25
Professional discreet Svc With No Wait & No Rush Out Calls Available 24/7 - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
PssSSsstt... HeY y0u... hot chocolate $40- $50 specials u won't regret itcall or text 803 550 3671 - 24
(Columbia, park lane)