Thu 02 Jan
IM NicE EnouGh tO maKe YoU SMiLE bUt eNOugH tO HAndLE IT aLL!!! - 20
(Columbia, Broad River/ Bush River)
Hi Guy🌹Brown Sugar Leaving soon Qv 40,60,100..Stop by💋Read Ad - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch rd in calls only)
@@@ Galaxy Spa Grand Opening 120$HR Welcome Package Classy Island Babies Alana Candice & Tamia @@@ - 21
(Columbia, ❤ 💋 ❤ InCalls Or OutCalls ❤ 💋❤)
CoM3 {❤}B3 {❤} mY{❤} Sp3c!aL {❤}D!p Dr!pP!n W^^ 50 RoS3 Sp3c!aL*** - 22
(Columbia, Two notch*****)