Mon 27 Jan
🎀💋 Perfect💎 Combination of 😈NAUGHTY & Nice👠SEXY & Sweet💄👄FuN & FℓirTy} - 24
(Columbia, columbia all over)
The Playmate you desire and crave Chewy 8034143566 Reviews for your satisfaction:-) - 21
(Columbia, Bush River)
Mobile Bunny Ranch Spa You Relax In The Comfort Of Your Home Or Office And Well Come To You - 26
(Columbia, columbia all over)
Full Figure💦 W💦T L!PS ☆NiCe BOOTY 🍑 Dr!Pp!nG 💦T!GHT GRIP 🐱 MaDE 4 ⇨YoUR★PLeaSuRe💋♡ - 29
(BushRiver Or Your Place, Columbia)
VeRy {SeXy} ThIcK & {CuRvY}* Open-MiNded & FreaKy {must see} * 100% Me * "HOT" PICS *
(Charleston, Downtown In/Out)
➰🌞➰www.marleyfavorsyou .com ➰🌞➰Marley Favors YOU 👇➰🌞➰ (216) 673-3662➰🌞➰(NO AA) - 25
(Columbia, | Available NOW)
♡♥WHITE MEN♥♡ 🔱no rush with satisfaction garunteed 🔱CALL NOW 803-479-1477 - 20
Tiffany Late Night Early Morning Spec. $35qv Petite Bomshell Hottie - 22
(Columbia, airport blvd incalls)
{{{£@v!NG SooN}}} °ஐ GET A DOSE OF ME!!!~ (609)464-8260 Brandy is ALL U Need! °ஐ ° - 26
There's No Need To Rush Seductive Fetish And Trucker Friendly Out Calls Available - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
This LiL MaMa Is DoPe!!MesSed ArOuNd AnD Got AdDicTed To this BAD AsS BeAuty!! - 28
(Columbia, west Colo lex nice loc)
thick gorgeus latina straight from the Puerto Rican Island $60 special - 24
(Columbia, columbia sc twonotch road)
( THiCK )&( BuSTy) :*LEt ME bE UR DiRTY LITtLE SeCREt*:$$$ 55 SPECIALS - 19
❎❎❎SuPer H❍T⇩ DoMinatioN ⇩ FeTiSh ⇩ ReAl GuaRanTeed⇩⇩ ❎❎❎ - 23
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, INCALL/OUTCALL)
SUMTER AREA♡♥[30 Bobble Spcl til 9a.m.]♡♥(45 Stop) Outcalls Avail《 BEST DEAL$ CALL 8038479663 - 19
ஜ SeXY ஜ ExOTic ஜ SEduCtIVe ஜ SiNfUlLy SwEeT ஜ - 24
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (Broadriver rd) {INCALLS})
💋LiPs LiKe💙 SuGaR🍭 tHiS 🍬CaNdY🍯 gOt😻 YoU ⚠sPrUnG👍 (8O3)🔦(999-8573)📞VeRy💎 AdDiCtiVe💜 Mmm🍒 - 25
(Columbia, OUTCALLS☆ ONLY)
*"* cUte n sAsSy *"*i'M All U♥NeeD *"* ♥ sexY PaCKaGE *"*80 SpEcIaLs!! - 25
(Columbia, bush river)
$$$$ DoWnSoUtH Dixie's SnOw DaY Specials!!! CoMe WaRm Up with Us. Ft Ms.Bobble$$$$ - 33
(Columbia, west columbia)
-:¦: CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* YOUR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•*¨¨*• U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 38
Aphrodite Companions Seeks The Top Girls in The Coutry BEST PAY PER Hour (Busy/Repeat Clientele)
(Your City or Travel)
⭐️ ⭐️Starr tight 💋 & Creamy💦100%REAL OR FREE Available now call me 4044371040 - 21
(Columbia, Greystone (upscale room))
💕Sεxy💋 4'9 🌸 Vσℓυρtuσυs Dσℓℓ 🌸 Gεnтℓεмεn's bεst 💎kεpt sεcrεt💋 - 20
(Columbia, St. Andrews Road💕 Drama Free👌)
WaNNa RiDE iN mY MeRCadES wItH nO tImE LImIt WiTH mY 50 DIaMoNd SpEcIAl - 22
Tɧҽ REAL Dҽaɭ💯⚠HIGHLY ADDICTIVE⚠💘💦💎Raʀɛ🔥Dҽѵɩŋҽ MIXED Aŋɠҽɭ😇👅Pҽtɩtҽ Tɾҽat🍧💯Real Pics&Vid;📷 - 26
(Columbia, Columbia Upscale..In/Outcalls)
35Roses for Quik visit::Skilled and Professional At What I Do! CALL MISS JUICEE in an out calls - 19
(Columbia, Ft. Jackson Blvd., Rosewood, G. ferry)
Tue 21 Jan
🎀🔔 Kendall an outgoing beauty @ Southern Belles 🔔🎀 Complimentary Tableshowers 💦 - 26
(1405b Rushmore Rd, Columbia)
💦💦✨ ROXY ✨💦💦 Juicy & UNfoRGeTTabLe T!ght💄💄💋 Smooth Skin Long Toned LeGs.... Video PROOF - 21
(Columbia, Two Knotch)
♥PUERTO RICAN MIX PRINCESS! ♥ $45/15 80/30 MIN.♥BeauTifuL! ♥B.I.G. bOOty ExOtiC 100% FrEaK!!!!! - 24
( S )) ____ (( P )) ____ (( E )) ____ (( C )) ____ (( I )) ____ (( A )) _____ (( L )) _____ (( S )) - 27
(Charleston, North East Columbia)
(ORANGEBURG) Tia 💕. Better then her ⬆ & her ⬇. Qv $50 hhr $80 hr $110 . come have fun with me 😍😘 - 19
(Columbia, Saint Matthews / 601)
OVER 40? ANNIE of ATL--LAST Day;3HIGHLY Reviewed
(Columbia, Greystone Blvd Area-LAST DAY TODAY-18th)
NEW in TOWN Out Call specials I want it NASTY $40 SpEcIaLS .... I keep it NaStY - 19
(Columbia, Columbia OutCall)
👫Lets CHILL HARD WORK NO PLAY 👫🍻Sexy Thick 🍻🍻🍻👫Single to Mingle👫👫👫🍻 - 26
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Wanna meet Ms.Moscato)
* * * MW4M - Escort Couple - Hot Bi Couple - The best of both worlds!!!! - MW4M * * * - 35
(Columbia, Columbia SC)
Laid back Sexy companion, satisfying experience. You won't regret that you called. - 29
(Columbia, West Columbia)