Mon 27 Jan
American Spa 803-731-5154 Tableshowers / Aromatherapy 3 beauties to choose from - 22
(652-C Bush River rd Columbia 29210, Columbia)
Get 🍫 How You Like It! 😺Want Something Tight 😏 (786)3Oh9-16Four6✋️Grip This Ass😝 - 20
(Columbia, 💦Garnersferry)
Checking out at 11!in OR out!😘ALL Blonde 💕Looking for someone UPSCALE & PRO - 22
(Columbia, Downtown/NE/lex/irmo/chapin/blyth)
ALL Day: HIGHLY REVIEWED* 5🌟ChICk!!! €V€'S HaV€n: LALA is BacK: CoM€ Get OBS€SS€SS€D W: M€!!!!! - 22
😘Want pleasure👄come play🌹🌹have an experience with an EXOTIC MIX you won't forget💦🍒☎ - 26
(Columbia, Harbison Upscale..In/Outcalls)
Unbelievable Unbeatable Out Of The City Specials Call Now 100% Real Pics - 27
(Columbia, St. Andrews/Bush River)
Your Sinfully Stunning Exotic Playmate - Special Tonite! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
$$ WE $$ READY $$ $$ R $$ U $$ ( $$ ALL $$ OF $$ COLUMBIA $$ ) $$ 2 GIRL SPECIAL $$ - 22
~ THyME To EnJoY YoUr SeLf WItH A nAtuRaL bLUe EyEd BlOnDe and FeTiShes FrIeNDlY - 30
(Columbia, (803)446-0402 IN/OUTCALL)
Sizzling Hot! Super Sexy and Great Body
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
💋Seductive Chinaa💋!!AVAILABLE NOW!! The Best & Unforgettable Experience!💦💋 - 25
(Columbia, Columbia (Incall's Only))
(Columbia, Columbia/off I-26)
*•♛•* MASTER this Visiting *•♛•* HoT BLoND€ WhO is R€AD¥ 2 ©AT€R 2 aLL YOuR D€$I®€$ *•♛• - 28
(Columbia, Harbison)
INCALLS & OUTCALLS 🔱no rush with satisfaction garunteed 🔱CALL NOW 803-563-2162 - 20
(Columbia, Columbia SC (803-563-2162))
LOOK NEW Pics!!♡*•E¥e CanD¥ •*♡【TOP NOTCH】【#1 MOST Wanted】 AVAILABLE NOW •♥• - 34
(Columbia, Harbison)
IM NicE EnouGh tO maKe YoU SMiLE bUt eNOugH tO HAndLE IT aLL!!! - 20
(Columbia, Broad River/ Bush River)
🎩GentLeMen'S #①Cho¡cε💦🙈 DιScReEτ & WεT💦↘ⓔⓡⓞⓣⓘⓒ pLeAsUrE 👅Uℓtiℳαtε Ex℘℮ґι℮η¢ee👅 OutCalls❗ - 23
(Columbia, Outcalls)
.....:::: FLAWLESS ::::.....EBONY ~ MODEL :::::..... LIMITED* TIME*ONLY ::::::::....... - 25
*Black & Puerto Rican HOTTIE* Im here to make your*+* W3TTEST & WILDEST *dreams* ~CUM~ ~TRUE~ - 22
(Broad River In/out)
30 Rose Specials 💲💲 Eat The 🍌🍌 Lick It Up Till The Very Last Drop 😚😚(803-384-7251) - 21 - 21
(Bush River, Columbia)
¤SqUeeZaBle B00TY¤ 40Spcls) ((SmAcK)) My azZ♥ I LiKe It ((FrEaKY)) BabY♥ - 21
(Columbia, two notch i.20)
*50 specials**** NEW °o*_ 5*StaR _*☆°o*_ BLONDE _*°௵o*_ _௵ 50 specials...... - 28
(Columbia, in/out)
Tue 21 Jan
*SoMeTHiNg YoU MuST EXPeRieNCe*... dOn't MiSS oUt FeLLaS!! 803 220-4161 call now - 35
(Columbia, ;•°o©• {SNEAK} °o©• {AWAY} °o©)
Sugar 🐞HuRRy🏃the🍑 Best✅ Choice 🎀 With 🐤An 💦Unforgettable 😍Experience 💚 OuTcaLl 💞 AvaiLaBle - 25
💎🎀SEXY READY And always W€t 💎🎀💎 MZ. lena ♍ 👅 every chubby chaser dream👅come get a taste 👅👅 - 23
(Columbia, HARBISON)
**** ☃⛄☃Slip&Sliding; Thursday ☃⛄☃***Orangeburg 🎄🌲🎄803/800/7887*** 🎄🌲🎄 - 21
(Columbia, orangeburg orangeburg orangeburg)
***southern bell*** come check me out for yourself!! - 22
(Charleston, Summerville/surrounding areas)
★ Red heads have more fun ✔HUNG ✔ Perfect Body☎☟♥★T0TAL S—E— X—Y VERS★♥ - 21
(Columbia, Bush River Broad River)
PARIS !!!! Redbone!! flexible fun make u Tapout!!!! Freaky & fun!!!$$$$$$$$$$ - 21
(Columbia, Greystone)
((NEW))-:¦:- AsToNiShInG SEXY EBONY -:¦:- MINd bLoWInG XxXpErIeNcE! (( A MUST SEE!)) - 22
((((NEW)) InSide Me (((NEW))))
NEW to the metro baby your first class flight to pleasure!!!$100 - 25
(Columbia, columbia SC /2 notch rd)
MW4M - Hot Bi Couple - 4 Handed Erotic Sensual All Nude Body Rubs - MW4M - 27
(Columbia, Lexington - West Columbia - Columbia)
Let me relax you on this beautiful day
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Mizz ** W€T-W£T **Water Splash Amazing splz!!!100%real pics Available 24/7 - 22
(Columbia, In&Out; Calls)
LATIN LADYwants to fulfill your WILDEST Fantasy all night and early morning ask about specials - 40
(Columbia, West Columbiali)
🙋 Incall 😘38DD (ღ人ღ) 👉 Bad Girl 😻Special👈 Skilled Lips & Tight Grips💦💋 Ready🍯🍯 - 21
(Broad River INCALLs, Outcalls 2 notch, Columbia, Florence, Hilton Head)
I Promise You Won't Regret Seeing Me! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)