Tue 21 Jan
🔝🔳▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ VIP 🔵BEaUtiful1⃣2⃣0⃣🔺🔝SEXY BLONDE🔝 👊 ❤️❤️ 💖 hot 🔴💖💜💜 ▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ - 22
The #1 & Only Sweet Ashley is back incall This Week Columbia/Sumter Extremely Great Rates this week - 18
TopNotch ❤ PEtiTe ❤ pUr3 FR3@K ❤ rOuND BOOTy 764;; O!LED up ! 40 Special ! - 21
(Columbia, St.andrews i.26)
TiCk3t 2 Th3 Fr3aK ShOw starting @ $60qv WiTh black-chyna & Syn Ur Choice Call 4 RaTeS - 18
(Columbia, all around columbia area outcalls only)
Super Red's grip is something serious! WARNING girls are stealing my pics read my ad!! - 21
(Columbia, two notch rd columbia incall)
★-» ❤ ThE oNe aNd OnLy SeXy MaDiSON ❤ LeAviNg tHe BuIsNeSS ❤ »-★-» ❤ - 25
Tired of the WRONG Girl at Your Door . . .KEELEY Promises to make you Wish For More - 23
(Charleston, local area)
(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Columbia, Inn*Out!StandrewsNOAFRICANAMERICANSPLZ)
[[ sUper Bad aZz]] -- *tReaT* -- [[In cOLuMbIa]] -- [[ SuPeR »HoT]] *& [[ ReaDytOpLay ]] _75$«« - 23
The GIRL Next DOOR **Unleash Your Private Fantasy!** - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
*****ThE PerfeCt ChOice To SaTisfy AnY CrAvInG*****60 RoSe SpC!100% All Me!! pL. - 21
(Columbia, Garners Ferry I 77 ***In/out call)
🚫STOP🚫 ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ💙💚💛 §ŦIMULAŦI₦G 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ💖🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€D Chocolate Paradise- - 22
(Columbia, Columbia surrounding areas)
♥♥♥ SUNDAY NEED RENT SPecials ♥$40 $40 $40 ♥ ♥ ♥ unrushed ,sweet ,EASY going southern blonde ♥☆♥♥ - 27
(Greenville, right off interstate 85 greenville)
TESSA» HOT »-★-» Puerto Rican Vixin to Please You in SUMTER »-★-» - 26
(Columbia, Sumter/Columbia/Lexington/Irmo)
Star 👅💋🌊💧💧40 qv special tite grips the best around - 23
(Columbia, Columbia/lexington (in and outcalls))
STUNNING m0Del Type Mexican Mixed C0mpaNi0N ...."BONITA CHICA" ..... All NITE - 21
(Columbia, GREYSTONE)
***%!!!Sexy, Sweet, & Very Discreet --- Incall Specials--- Avalible All Day!!!%***
(Greystone Blvd./Columbia)
**SPECIALS** Classy, SeXy, Well Reviewed Hottie ((*Sweet Amy*)) - 29
(Columbia, Columbia-IN or OUT!!SPECIALS!! 445-5473)
Special!! (_/\_) Hey Men The special is Back!!! (_/\_) Special!! - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/Buch river)
sexy saturday special..{30 bobble...40 2 play..55 4 30} wont last long..call now 4 appt - 27
(Columbia, incall (off decker blvd)hunt club rd)
**SnEaK~A~wAy ** **~~~ Ready Now~~~ Specials all Day Leaving Soon - 99
(Columbia, two notch in & out calls special)
*SPECIALS* ♪ MOUtH WATERING ♪ playful & tasteful :)no agency
(Columbia, columbia sc off north main st)
~~~~~~~ SEXY "JEWELS" is BACK by POPULAR DeMaND with SpEcIaLs starting @ 60!!!!!! ~~~~~~ - 38
Smoking hot Ashleigh.. Come cool off with me 803-529-0913 - 34
(Columbia, Columbia ( surrounding areas ))
SeXy • °o♥o°• AddiCtiNG BrOwN Barbie • °o♥o°• GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe • °o♥o°• Come And Get It 50spc - 22
(Columbia, broad river in&outcalls;)
➡💄PrEtTy 💜pReTtY💋 pLeaSe❓ WitH☑ *F&©K❗🆖* 👑SuGaR*💦 ⭕n💚 ToP⬆🔝I💟➡ CaR🚘 PlAy🎡 - 25
(Columbia, OUTCALLS // CAR🚘BROAD RIVER & 20)
Out call 😘 $70q.v. $120💋AmAziNg ReDhEaD 💜CoMe PLaY WiTh My SliP n sLiDE 💦 #1 WaNtEd SnOwBuNnY 👯 - 27
(Columbia, outcall😘 where do u want me)
🌺PreTty 👑pRetTY 🌸pLeaSe🍀 WitH 💎SuGaR🍩 oN💣 ToP🍄 8O3🍆 999 🔔8573🐼 cAlL🌴 NoW💲 - 25
《《 Our mouth w£t》》 AquaFin@ L!p $maCkin SpeCiaLs 30 30 30 30 30{LaSt Nite} - 21
(Columbia, outcalls everywhere in columbia sc)
PssSSsstt... HeY y0u... hot chocolate $40- $50 specials u won't regret itcall or text 803 550 3671 - 24
(Columbia, park lane)
(ORANGEBURG) Tia 💕. Better then her ⬆ & her ⬇. Qv $50 hhr $80 hr $110 . come have fun with me 😍😘 - 19
(Columbia, Saint Matthews / 601)
orangeburg pure chocolate moday nite with the queen q.v. $45 roses - 19
(Columbia, orangeburg s.c. 301)
Outcalls Only 💆🚿💋💋Viola (Darkskingirl) & Cierra (brown skin girl)Call Now 8035218784💋💋🚿🛀💆 - 21
(Columbia, SUMTER Broad Street)
PiCkME PiCkME:•.♥•: :•.♥•: PINKY :•.♥•: :•.♥•:Come To My Lions Den~ -EarlyMorning Cream Splz 45 25 - 25
(Columbia, Columbia 2Notch rd./ Upscale Location💋)