Tue 21 Jan
NEW PICS!!!;!!!! Its yours truly Ashleigh!!! 803-361-0660 Let's play!! Out calls available!!! - 34
(Columbia, Northeast area)
New - 🍌YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 Sum $50qv ♥️GEoRGIoUS🌹EBoNY 👑BEaUtY 💖Mz.LUC¥ 💦803-394-9944 - 22
(Broad River St Andrews in/out, Columbia)
___ _____♥ ·.¸.·´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥·. .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* ____ ____ - 31
(Columbia Northeast)
(¯`'• New N Town •'´¯) (¯`'• HOTTEST Exotic GIRL U EVER SEEN •'´¯) (¯`'• Delicious & FReeKy •'´¯) - 24
(Columbia, Columbia i.26)
New MiAmi'z SeXXiEsT LaTiNa $ 50 LaTe NiTe n EaRLy MoRNiNG SpEciAls ◄[: - 19
(Columbia, ✰ BuSh RiVeR ✰)
(Orangeburg) !!!! SCaRLeT R3D IS inCREDible In B3D -- i-26-- - 32
(Columbia, i-26 orangeburg // incall & outcall)
OutCall Sp🔥Baddest 🔥【❊ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD ❊】[x♥x]【★ №➊ Big B(_|_)TY ★👀】[x♥x] 【♛Uℓtiℳαtε Xperience】🔥💖 - 23
(Columbia, Outcall🚪🚘👉👈🏃Only I'll come to U boo)
((nEw SeXY and EXOTIC eBOny ColleGe Cutie!!)) $80Q SPeCiAL! Petite & Sweet! NiCe aZZ! CUte faCE! 36D - 19
NEW :¦:L O O K :¦* Knock Out * * CuTiE * * L O O K * - 25
(Columbia, Piney Grove off I-26)
New Pics treasure is here to grip it all 3Rose discount $45for 20mins - 21
(broad river incalls /outcalls, Columbia)
NU NU tHE BeSt tHInG tO HIt cOLuMBiA ....62 iNcHEz rOUNd aNd sUPEr LOnG tOUnGE!!!& juicy KISSABLES - 20
(Columbia, incalls two notch rd)
NeW ** 803-419-9259** Let Me Make You Feel Wanted And Appreciated ** 803-419-9259 ** NeW - 99
💕New Holiday Rates💋60/qv 120/hh 180/hr 220/gfehr☎Amazing Amanda 704-966-7935 - 25
(Columbia, Incall House off 321/ Outcalls)
NEW PiCs call me Sweet Pea im waiting on you 803-369-4405 - 41
(Columbia, columbia,west columbia,lexington)
💗 MISS 💁🏽 PINKI 💗Today!!! 💗 - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, 💗 SOUTH CAROLINA 💗)
NEW 💎Hermosa Dominicana Chica💎Young Mixed Bombshell 💋😍visiting for a limited time ONLY!!!! - 22
New in town! X Hawaiian Tropic Model. No games just great Service. Will Travel
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
% % % % MMMmmMMm % % % % DoUbLE DoSE OF ChOcoLaTE % %% %$pEciALZ%%% - 21
----- ----- ----- * * * MANDY * * * ----- ----- ----- { {V . I . P GENTLEMAN ONLY } } - 23
Meet Lea, a mature provider. Visiting Columbia Airport through April 17 - 44
(Columbia, Columbia Airport - 180hh/350hr)
N3w CaRaM3l Tr3aT hOt AnD r3Ady ** CoM3 aNd G3t M3!!LAST NiGht 60 BeSt Ros3 Sp3c!aL U EveR HaD!!! - 22
(Columbia, garners ferry I-20)
★☆★| Let Chyna Diamond Make ☆ You Melt w/ Her 40 Rose Special ;) |★☆★ - 18
(Columbia, Garners Ferry)
Mercedes ready to ride everything in-between 50spls - 23
(Columbia, New secure descrete location 2notch)
Magic Rain 💦💦 Come see this sexy 🔥hot 🔥beauty. Early morning specials.💋👅😽💦🔥 - 36
(Columbia, Saint Andrews Road and i26)
💖Miss. TATIANA 💖New Exclusive Upscale Companion Intown From Va - 24
(Columbia, Columbia(In calls&OutCalls;))
Missy UR" BONITA CHICA".. UR Er0Tic Exotic PLAYMATE.. m0RniNg specialS - 21
Looking for a girlfriend?? .. I cater to older, professional and mature men. INCALL TODAY - 33
(Columbia, Lexington)
Individual or 2 girl, best of both worlds ,one thick, one petite - 99
(Columbia, Saint Andrews area or wherever your at)
ItsKANDY👋😛 SWEET TREAT😉💯70$30mins 40$15mins 130$1hour8032811738 - 22
(Columbia, Gaston Sc MY HOUSE In Calls Only)
%% ^ LATINO/ BRAZILIAN Princess ( INDIA ) Tired of Fakes and Disappointing VISITS ? IM 100 % - 19
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH Rd. Columbia)
Married Mans Best Kept Secret - SPECIALS All Night! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Limited time✨$45 $60 $130 ✨ReDhEaDs `dO 💦iT BeTtEr 💥ThIs 1 DoEs iT BeSt 💥FaVoRiTe BiGBOoTy ReDhEad 💦 - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘 Piney Grove Rd 😜)
!!INCALLS ONLY!!"You'll Never Meet Anyone Quite Like Heather"!! real pics! - 19
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd/ incalls only)
█ ♥ L a s t - D a y - C o l u m b i a —— G o r g e o u s —— U p s c a l e —— B l o n d e ♥ █ - 27
(Columbia, Piney Grove Off 26- In & Out)
Kinky Fun with Me Is All You Need
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, hotel room)
HOTT *specials*only in town for 2night!! Super Sexy RedBone & i wanna lick on your lollipop!! - 25
(Columbia, columbia ❤)
💋 (₱• 🇱• 🅰 • 🇾• ₮• i•Ⓜ• E) 💋 {•₩i🇹H•} 💋 (₵• 🅰• 🇷• R• i•🇪)💋 - 21
(Columbia, two notch rd 💋 near I-20)
((♥♥Hi Early Birds. Stop By.This Valentine's WeekEnd..Splz 40,80,,all morning♥♥)) - 99
(Columbia, two notch rd.In/calls)